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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

As a college student, there are often times you are in a pinch for a quick meal or you are low on money. Do you know the best solution is? Cheese Quesadillas.

You can find Cheese Quesadillas almost anywhere. Although some are not as good as others, there are still a lot of places that have cheap Cheese Quesadillas. Even on campus, the cafeteria also serves Cheese Quesadillas almost everyday.

Cheese Quesadillas are the easiest thing to make as well. All you need is a tortilla and some cheese, shredded cheese or block cheese, and you place the soon to be Quesadilla in the microwave or in an air fryer. You can then add some sauce or have some salsa or sour cream to eat with the Cheese Quesadilla.

Now, go make yourself a Cheese Quesadilla and start thinking about if it is the best meal for you as a college student.

I am a sophomore majoring in Early Childhood education with a concentration in Special education. I am a resident advisor!