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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

The Spring semester is here and it did not come to play! Are you finding yourself already overwhelmed with the coursework? Having difficulty concentrating on work? Feeling stressed and do not know how to deal? Below are some helpful tips and tricks to try and get your head more focused from a college student’s perspective! As well as de-stressing activities!


  1. Finding your space- This may seem underrated, however, creating a positive and efficient workspace is always beneficial. You are training your body to know when it will be time to work. So, whether it is outside, in the library, on the floor of your door, or in a coffee shop, the location of your study time is really important. Personally, a place with windows and some background noise is my favorite!
  1. Establishing goals- I would be lying if I said this is enjoyable, yet I do get overwhelmed just thinking about everything that has to be done. Nonetheless, after plotting assignments and tasks, the anxious feelings slowly diminish. It should be noted that these goals should be realistic and specific. Reading about one hundred pages in fifteen minutes and taking notes probably is not the most realistic. Try breaking the assignment down into sections! 
  1. Create a schedule- At the moment, I am still working on this myself. The biggest challenge for me is balancing it all. Having a planner or making mental notes of what days are reserved for studying can help you stay on track. Not to mention, you can also block out free time to socialize with other people. This could be spending time with friends or family. Time with yourself is just as important, so creating a schedule including it is something no one should leave out.


  1.  Stay hydrated- Probably one of the most overlooked things but most inexpensive! Staying hydrated is key to our body’s daily functions. So, whether you use a Stanley, Hydroflask, or drink out of a plastic one, consuming enough water is crucial. Now, what if you are not a fan of water? Try flavor packets with electrolytes to add in! You could even put daily reminders on your phone to drink a certain amount! 
  1. Being Active- People hear the word “active” and panic. Being active does not mean beating yourself up every workout! Rather try moving your body after studying for prolonged periods of studying.  It could be pilates, yoga, or a walk by the river! There are so many options for staying active. Finding your niche might take a little, however, it will be so rewarding! 
  2. Saying no and being mindful- GUILTY! I struggle so much in trying to do everything that it leads to rapid burnout! Although, I have been working on saying no and being aware of my limits. So, I recommend the same to those who may be feeling overwhelmed. Again, this is so simple and does not cost anything. Knowing when you have had enough can be super beneficial. Your body will be able to rest both physically and mentally. Along with this, practicing mindfulness whether it is meditation or journaling can help you focus on the positives rather than the negatives. It does not have to be for hours and hours, but it could help remind you of all the amazing things you have accomplished, which I know we tend to forget. 
  1. Activities- School and work are not the only things that should define you! Seek discomfort! Try something new each day! It can be a new food, workout, or pathway. You would be surprised to see how many hidden gems there are! As for possible de-stressing activities: reading (non-school text), swimming, running, dancing, painting, cooking, sightseeing your area, video games, PowerPoint night. These activities do not have to break the bank! Giving yourself the time to enjoy at least a little can help your mental health immensely. 

Now, I am no doctor. However, these are some of the practices I am actively trying to carry out, and for those struggling to focus, I hope they were somewhat helpful! No one is perfect, we are all just trying to get through tomorrow! Happy studying!

Beyonce G is a writer at HC @ SAU. Beyond HC, Beyonce is involved on campus. She is an active member of Latinos Unidos and Psychology club. She is a barista at 392 Cafe! In her free time, she loves to watch movies and catch up with friends. She is an avid coffee drinker, so you can find her scoping out shops around our area. She is also a massive Karol G fan!