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Spotlight on Ambrose Alumni

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

As graduation is quickly approaching and members of our Ambrose community will be out in the so called “real world,” we wanted to see what some past graduates are up to these days!

Joe Jarosz ‘11

Major: Journalism with a minor in radio/TV production
Favorite class at SAU and why: Media and Society taught by Alan Sivell because that was my media class at Ambrose. It’s the class I met basically all of my friends from Ambrose and there were always stimulating conversations.

What is your most favorite Ambrose memory? My favorite memory is after the first issue of the Buzz I was a part of, Sivell pulled me aside and gave me some praise for my article. It was a movie review, and he said unlike past students that wrote reviews, I had a sense of what I was writing about. That little aside will always be with me because I want to eventually write about entertainment and the professor that taught me the most about writing said I knew what I was talking about.
I also started dating my current girlfriend because of Sivell’s documentary class. We were part of a group that followed the beginning-end of a play at Ambrose. There were long filming and editing nights and we got to know each other better.
What are you up to these days? I am the crime reporter for the Muscatine Journal. I also weaseled my way into writing the movie reviews for the Journal.
What advice do you have for current Ambrose students as they prepare for the real world? As simple as it sounds; don’t give up. As soon as I graduated, I sent my resume out to about five employers a day. Then once you get to where you want to be, again, don’t give up. The Journal had someone they used for movie reviews, but he was a syndication writer–he wasn’t in house. I took a shot and asked to write the reviews. The worst they could’ve said was no. But they gave me a shot and I’ve been doing those for almost five months now. Baby steps and never giving up will get you to where you want to be.

Ann Wilke (Nowicki) ‘07, ‘08

What your major was: Psychology, Physical Therapy
Favorite class at SAU and why: Musculoskeletal class in P.T. school. Not only did the class provide the best memories of P.T. school, but it was also the class that best prepared me for working as an outpatient therapist.
What is your most favorite Ambrose memory? The random nights with roommates and friends, and just about every last blast!

What are you up to these days? Working full time as a physical therapist, happily married to a fellow alumni, and expecting our first baby.
Advice: This is the last time in your life to sleep late, stay up all night, and live with little to no real world responsibilities. Live it up, miss class (here and there), pull all nighters that don’t include studying, and make the best with the friends you made. Before you know it, you will have a 9-5 job, bills to pay, and adult responsibility. Prolong and live up the college experience.


Andrew Bradford Benson ’11

Major: I have a BA in theatre and a minor in management.
Favorite Class: This is a difficult one. I loved all of my theatre classes during school. Maybe not during the actual class, but once I had time to reflect on what I learned they were all absolutely worth the effort and late nights. If I had to choose one, it would be Theatre in London. England completely stole my heart on that trip. It was amazing.
Favorite Ambrose memory: Without a doubt, my favorite memory is performing Oedipus Rex at KC/ACTF. I will never forget that feeling and the wonderful people I spent so much time with in rehearsals. It was a great honor to represent our school at the festival.
What are you up to these days? I am currently living in New York City working for a Broadway sound design company. We specialize in assistive listening devices for the hard of hearing. I am also auditioning for a few shows and hoping to hear back from them soon, fingers crossed! On top of that, I am planning a move to Minneapolis this fall, which will hopefully enable me to focus more on performing and less on how I’m going to pay the bills.
Advice: I think the best advice I could give current students is to use your connections. It really is all about who you know. Everything that has happened for me in this city has come from an Ambrosian helping me, from my first apartment to my current job. It may feel awkward to ask for help, but people really do want to see you succeed and are more than willing to lend a hand to a grateful person.

Heather M. Venema (soon to be Hartley!)

Graduated in 2006 with my B.A. in public relations & marketing communications. Minors in marketing and sociology.
Graduated in December 2008 with my M.A. in organizational leadership
Favorite class: My favorite SAU class was Media & Society with Alan Sivell. I was definitely forced to think about everything I read, saw and heard in a different way, and it was the first time I was pushed to be critical and analytical in college. Marriage and Family with Regina Stephens was a close second. That class focused on how the idea of marriage is different across cultures, and how as women we are challenged in more ways than our male counterparts to find balance at work and at home.
Favorite Ambrose memory: My favorite Ambrose memory would definitely have to be one night after the residence halls closed when all of the RAs got together late one night and played a huge game of Ghost in the Graveyard around campus. We played until about 3 in the morning, and found the funniest hiding places!
What are you up to these days? I actually still get to be at Ambrose when I’m teaching a marketing class as an adjunct. In my “full time” job, I am at TAG Communications, the largest ad agency in the Quad Cities. There I write content for brochures, websites, social media and handle several of our larger healthcare accounts.
Advice for the real world? You’re taught in college you can “go out and make a difference” – which is true, but you’re usually going to have to be willing to take a few small steps before you land your dream job. That – and the most important skill you can gain while in college is being a good writer. Even if you’re not in a communications job – everything is done over email now, and you’ll stick out like a sore thumb if those skills aren’t up to par.

Steve Campbell ‘10

Major: TV/Radio and Journalism
Favorite class: I have 2 different favorite classes. One that was in my major was the Dateline newscast class. It was great because we learned how to put together a newscast.  It was very hands on, and it was a fun class and at the end of the week, we put together a newscast. It was also a preview to where I’m at now. A gen ed class I really enjoyed was Beginning Acting. We had a really fun class and got to move around instead of just taking notes. We also had some exercises where we got to goof off and get out of our shells a little bit.
Favorite Ambrose memory: My favorite Ambrose memory would be the Antioch retreats put on by Campus Ministry. I was lucky enough to go on 4 of them and be a leader on the final one. I met great people, had a lot of fun and also explored what my faith was like as a college student. Each one of those meant a lot and stuck with me.
What are you up to these days? These days, I’m still living in the Quad Cities. I work at WHBF-TV in Rock Island as the Weekend Sports Anchor/Sports Reporter. I cover the sporting scene of the QC and put it on the news.
Advice: My advice for current students is to get involved as much as you can on campus. Whether it’s something for your major or just a random club or group or intramural team, give it a shot. I met the best people through those and it also prepared me a lot for the real world.


Nathan Scheetz ‘10

Major: Theatre
Favorite class at SAU and why: Directing with Cory Johnson- because I learned so very much throughout the semester, and I feel as though learning about directing has made me a better actor.
What is your most favorite Ambrose memory? The Glass Menagerie. All of it.
What are you up to these days? I’m living in Chicago. I am currently an intern for the Chief of Staff at the Illinois Arts Council, getting prepared to teach theatre classes this summer, and opening a production of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee on May 4th!
Advice: If you see an opportunity, don’t hesitate. Oh, and your teachers weren’t lying about building your resume. It really does pay off.

Abby Van Gerpen ‘10

Major: Theatre/English
Favorite class: Classical Dramatic Lit with Aji — the class was hard work but the people in it made it awesome! Never ever pass up an Aji class!
Favorite memory: Any show at Ambrose is full of great memories! But I’ll never forget going on stage for the very first and last time of my college career. The first was a studio show called ‘5 Women Wearing the Same Dress’ and I was a tiny terrified freshman on stage with a bunch of upper-classmen who knew so much more than I did. It was a great learning experience. The last time was when I stepped in last minute in Columbinus when one of the actresses became sick the day before the show opened. Terrifying, yes, but the way the entire cast came together to put on a such a moving show was truly awesome to see and be a part of.

What are you up to these days? These days I work…a lot. I’m the director of marketing for Chick-fil-A at Davenport, and am currently in the children’s show at Circa ‘21 which closes this week! I’m incredibly lucky to have a job that I love while also being able to do theatre. And if that doesn’t keep me busy enough, I’m also a Jr. High leader at a local church! Saying yes to that opportunity was the best decision I ever made.
Advice: Get involved. When I first graduated I didn’t really understand the concept of the ‘real world’ and instead of trying to do anything with my life I tried hiding from it, which of course doesn’t work. I got stuck in a funk for quite some time and one day I decided to change my attitude and fight back. Instead of being on auto-pilot everyday I decided to actually have a say in my life. Next thing I knew I had a promotion, my own team of interns, became a leader instead of a follower and I never looked back! I guess what I’m trying to say is don’t be afraid of the world. Work hard, take chances, and in the midst of it all don’t forget to actually live your life because it’s going to fly by.

A lover, dreamer and overachiver.