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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Recently an article has been circling online, especially on Facebook, that claims a CDC doctor condemns the flu shot and correlates it directly to becoming infected with influenza. This story has spread like wildfire. 


However, this is a FAKE STORY.


The CDC actually encourages everyone able to receive the flu shot.


Influenza can cause hospitalization and even death as seen frequently this flu season. It is very serious and those who are spreading false information are putting themselves and others at risk. Those at a higher risk include children, the elderly, those in hospitals or hospital like centers, pregnant women, and those with certain medical conditions (listed on the CDC website) or weakened immune systems.


The flu especially spreads on college campuses because of the close proximity.


The best way to prevent yourself from getting the flu is to get the flu vaccination every year along with practicing good, smart hygiene. Wash your hands often, do not touch your face, and do not be around those infected. If you have flu like symptoms, see a health care provider and if you do have the flu, stay home! It is extremely contagious and you are putting so many at risk.



If you want to know more about the seasonal flu vaccine or even just general information about the flu click here to access the CDC’s official website.



Header Image — Cold or Flu —  Spreads 

Majoring in strategic communication & multimedia journalism and minoring in graphic design & radio and television at St. Ambrose University.  
Her Campus at SAU