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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

All throughout our lives in math and science classes, we are told that what we learn is important and something that we will use in our day to day lives. Well, I don’t know about you, but I’ve had the surface area of a cylinder formula memorized since 7th grade and I have yet to use it. Except as a party trick, which eventually kills the vibe. But, I promise you that there are ways that  you can use science and math in your everyday lives that are actually kind of cool. 

    Do you have LED lights in your room that randomly change colors without using the remote? Well, you’re not alone. And this might be caused by a different remote that is being used in the same area. 

    Remotes use different wavelengths of light in order to communicate with their specific devices. If remotes that you use at the same time use similar frequencies, then it could be causing interference that completely changes the vibes  of your lights. For example, turning the volume up on your TV might change the colors of the lights. Or turning the TV off and keeping the lights on might cause the lights to start flashing. If these kinds of things happen to you, maybe run a few experiments to see what cool things you could do while using the incorrect remotes. 

    The more you know. So, the next time you’re at a party or hanging out with some friends, just whip this newly discovered knowledge out of your back pocket to impress them. Or at the very least impress your science teacher that you actually applied theory in real life.

Madeline is a VP and Creative Director at HC @ SAU. She oversees social media posting on all platforms. Beyond HC, Madeline is involved in Chemistry Club and the Women's Swimming and Dive Team. She also works in the Chemistry Department as a Lab Prep worker. Madeline is majoring in Chemistry with a minor in Mathematics. In her free time, Madeline enjoys crocheting, reading, streaming on Twitch, learning languages, and writing and playing songs. Fun fact: she would be 3/4 of an inch taller if she didn't have scoliosis. "Find inspiration in the ordinary."