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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Savannah Hill is what I’d like to call a very Busy Bee here at St. Ambrose University. At SAU Savannah is involved with Dance Marathon. This is her second year as a Morale Captain and she loves the organization. She is also a part of Campus Ministry and is the Assistant Hall Director in Davis Hall for Residence Life. She loves to go to Zumba whenever she gets the chance away from her busy schedule, and she also works for Campus Recreation as a weight room supervisor.

Savannah was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas.

She is very outgoing and to most people she seems like an extrovert but Savannah says, “I’m really an introvert with extroverted tendencies.”

Going into her junior year, Savannah is in her first year of the Masters of Occupational Therapy Program. Because of this program, Savannah chose SAU. She has a hard time making big life decisions and was a little freaked out about college. When her mom suggested looking into SAU she knew it’s what she wanted. Her faith is also very important to her and she liked that there was a church on campus that she could attend.

Outside of school, dancing is Savannah’s favorite thing to do. She loves to have dance parties with her friends where they all can laugh and be silly. Cowboys Dancehall is Savannah’s favorite dance club, but she also likes to swing dance.

When Savannah graduates she will have her Bachelor’s in Psychology and a Masters of Occupational Therapy. She wants to be an OT and work with stroke survivors.

Her Campus at SAU