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SAU Finals Week [As told by New Girl]

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Before we can all head home to take a break from the roommates, stuff our faces with Holidays cookies and dive into our huge bed, we have to suffer through two weeks of H-E double hockey sticks universities like to call, finals. 


When you look at the list of things you have to do for finals 

And your laptop is attached to your booty and you bring it to every class to work on your 30 page paper because at that point, the lectures just don’t matter.

When Freshmen talk about their final for a theology class that is so0o0o0o hard. Please.

When you’re out of buzzbucks and running low on caffeine 

 And you get to the point of having so much to do you decide to do nothing at all.

But because our campus is so small you find someone who had to write the SAME final paper last semester and they give you a few…ideas.

While Ambrose is STILL sending you thousands of useless emails a day

And finally after all your long hours, countless coffees and endless nights at the beehive, you do the dayyum thing and take your finals.

Afterwards you’re like…

And then knowing that the past is in the past and whatever grade you get, so bee it, you decide…

Hey i'm Sam! SAU Senior. Chicago native. Self proclaimed pizza critic and Instagram guru. #GoBees
Her Campus at SAU