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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Time to meet another cutie! Ryan is a senior this year who still always finds time to have fun while stayng busy on campus!

Graduation year: 2016

Hometown: Roselle, IL

Relationship status: Single

Major/Minor: Math and Biology, Minors in Computer Science and Chemistry

Campus Involvement: Math Club President, Undergrad Rep. for Educational Policy Committee, Chem. Club, Programming Team

Hobbies: Frisbee Golf, Bouldering, Rock Climbing, Swimming

Guilty pleasure: 80’s High School Romance Movies

3 Words to Describe Yourself: Talkative, Nerdy, Insomniac

Favorite Movie: 21

Favorite Band/Singer: Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters

Celebrity Crush: Matt Bomer (But only as Neal Caffrey)

Something most people don’t know about you: I occasionally write free-verse poetry.

Cook for a girl or be cooked for? Definitely cook so I can try to show off

Favorite spot in the Quad Cities: Ambrose Hall roof on the 4th of July

Ideal first date: Dinner, thoughtful conversation, drinks, the kind of dancing where I get to lead, and a slow walk outside to continue to get to know each other.

Traits you look for in a girl: Driven, passionate, knows when to be mature and when not to care what anyone else thinks, opinionated but open to considering new ways of thinking, and slow to make a judgment about someone else.. 

My name is Kat and I chose to live the dream at St. Ambrose University.  During college I spent my time working, writing and enjoying time with friends.
Her Campus at SAU