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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Notice St. Ambrose University has taken a stronger stance on sustainability than they have previously? Student engagement is definitely making this happen! Part of this engagement is two students who strive to educate AND entertain. Seniors Emma Duncan and Laura Meloy’s new podcast, Sustainability Warriors, has been growing! Emma Duncan is in Business Economics and Marketing with an Environmental Studies Minor. She is involved in the Varsity track, cross country, is the Green Life president, and SAU Sustainability Committee member. Laura Meloy is in Political Science and International Studies, with an Environmental Studies and Theology minor. She is also involved in the SAU Sustainability Committee, an Intern at the Living Lands and Waters, VP of SGA, President of Model UN, a member of Green Life, the Buzz, College Democrats, and Triota. After both of their busy schedules, they still find time to promote sustainability on campus!

The inspiration for this podcast came from wanting students to be more engaged. Emma says, “We both thought it would be a fun idea to get more people interested in the environment and sustainability in a more engaging way.” So they sent a couple of texts about the possibility, and the Sustainability Warriors Podcast was born. They have a total of ten episodes so far and have added special guests such as Amy Blair and Lisa Powell.

I asked them how they overcome challenges or discuss sustainability with groups that are not traditionally interested in this topic. They both note that talking about it, even jokingly, gets the message out. Laura says that “sustainability issues extend beyond biology” so no one needs to have the expertise or special interest to care about the environment. To overcome challenges? “Just keep trying,” says Emma. The growth of Green Life and involvement keeps increasing! Emma discusses that connections have given them the opportunity to make even more changes, including with President Novak. Laura notes that “continually engaging with different campus groups” is her way to overcome challenges. Their work has not gone unnoticed, as next year’s changes with sustainability are continuing with a Sustainability Work-Study and Grad Assistant!

Again, everyone can get involved, no expertise is needed! But what changes can we make in our own lives? Laura and Emma name multiple small changes we can all make. Don’t buy from Shein, carry a reusable water bottle (50 cents off coffee in the beehive), and simply consume less (including clothes, food waste, gas, and energy – cheaper too).

Want ways to help and be active this weekend? SGA and Green Life are putting on Litterpalooza, a service event on Sunday morning, cleaning up trash around the Davenport community. Contact sga@sau.edu for more information!

“We hope to embed the concept of sustainability and caring for the environment into the culture of SAU to the point where it is not an afterthought and that it is considered in everything that we do” – Emma Duncan ‘22

SAU'24 Political Science and Theology