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The Perfect Summer Reading List

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

I don’t know about everyone else, but one of my favorite parts of summer is being able to put a dent in the list of books to read I compile throughout the school year. There is nothing better than sitting outside in the fresh air and bright sun with a good book. But where to start? It seems like there is always a hot new read hitting the shelves. Well, collegiettes, here is my list for the summer. All of these can be purchased online or in stores right now.

1. Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James

This book has recently taken the nation by storm. It has a reputation to be steamy and erotic – but what more could a collegiette ask for in a summer read? The novel is about a college student who writes for her campus’ magazine. In an interview, she meets a man who she develops a crush on, but that is not the last time they will meet. This is E.L. James’ first novel, but it has been wildly successful. Fifty Shades of Grey is a part of a trilogy and all three novels are available for sale now.

2. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer

I feel safe saying that most collegiettes probably remember exactly where they were on September 11, 2001. In this novel, Foer uses that day as a starting point in a life-changing journey for a nine-year-old boy. The main character, Oskar, loses his father in the 9/11 attacks. Now, all he has left is a key that belonged to his father. Foer tells about the boy’s journey to find the lock that matches the key and his healing along the way.

3. Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult

As a huge Jodi Picoult fan, I cannot wait to read her newest novel. This one explores family dynamics. The main character is a young man who left home at age 18 and never looked back. One day, he receives a call and he finds out that his father and sister were in a car accident. He decides to go back, but when he is there, he and his sister must decide their father’s fate: let him go or wait for him to wake up? Picoult has a way of keeping her readers wanting more, and so far, I have not been disappointed. I strongly suggest this and any other Jodi Picoult novel to any collegiette looking for a great book!

4. 11/22/63 by Stephen King

In his most recent novel, King explores the day of JFK’s assassination and how that day could have been different. Personally, I have never been much of a history buff, but I have heard nothing but good reviews for this one. Plus, its fiction, so history knowledge is not required. The main character becomes engrossed in exploring that day in history, taking the reader back in time and keeping her on the edge of her seat to the very last page.

5. Skinnydipping by Bethenny Frankel

Frankel has kept us laughing with her work so far, but this is her fiction debut. It is a story of a young woman and her quest to reach her dreams. She travels to L.A. and finds that it is not everything she was hoping. With a leap of faith, she moves to New York. Five years later, she faces the possibility of her big break. She finds that not everything is as it seems, and she has to make life-changing decisions. I have no doubt that Frankel will not fail to keep us amused with her newest release.

Mary is a senior at St. Ambrose University majoring in English and journalism. She is originally from Naperville, IL and hopes to one day be back in Chicago. In the past Mary has interned for Sourcebooks, a publishing company in Naperville, and this past year she studied abroad in London and interned at Parliament. She hopes to one day be an editor in publishing at a magazine or at a publishing group like Penguin. Besides being the founding editor of Her Campus St. Ambrose, Mary is also a writing tutor at St. Ambrose. In her free time, she loves to travel, hang out with family and friends, and shop a little bit too much at Gap and J. Crew!