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My 5 Favorite Songs From Harry Styles’ New Album

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Much like everyone else in the world, I’m hopelessly in love with Harry Styles; I’ll proudly admit it. He’s an amazing singer, person, and a fashion icon. So when Fine Line was announced to be in the works, I was more than excited. This album has quickly become my favorite, so it’s kinda hard for me to pick just five songs that are my favorite. However, for the sake of this article, I will do the impossible. So here are my top five picks (in no particular order) from Harry Styles’ newest album: Fine Line


1. Lights up 

Neon lights that spell out "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun."
Photo by Leonardo Sanches on Unsplash
This song was the first single to be released from the album, and it did not disappoint. The song was very much Harry’s style; it’s lofty, smooth, and has a deeper meaning once you get through the softness of the tune. The easy song gives us an almost haunting line of, “Lights up and they know who you are/do you know who you are?” This repeated line literally gives me chills, I’ve listened to this song on loop, and it still makes me speechless. Easily a summer tune, and I’m going to keep listening ‘til the day I die. 


2. Falling 

This song. Oh boy, this song. You want emotions? Listen to Falling and you’ll be clutching your chest. I haven’t even broken up with someone and now I’m dreading dealing with the aftermath of a failed relationship. “What if I’m someone you won’t talk about?” Like, oh my gosh, rip my heart out why don’t you. That being said, it is a lovely piece of art that I would highly recommend, which seems weird as I just said it makes me hurt – but it’s that kind of hurt only music can make you feel. The best kind of hurt that is, and besides, the rest of the album makes up for this one song hurting you. 


3. Watermelon Sugar 

Girl Laughing Watermelon Pool Summer
Tessa Pesicka / Her Campus
Remember how I said there were nice songs on this album? Well, this is one of them. Watermelon Sugar is really peppy. “Strawberries on a summer evenin’/ Baby, you’re the end of June,” honestly as someone who does a lot of activities in the Summer, this song is about to be my new anthem. Honestly, this song is one that has been made to be played in a car with the top down on your way to get ice cream. 


4. To Be So Lonely 

Girl lying on bed alone
Photo by _Mxsh_ on Unsplash

“It’s hard for me to go home/be so lonely.” Honestly, this song is probably one that is more relatable. We’ve all had those times where all you’re doing is staying at home by yourself, wallowing in sadness. Harry seems to be able to dull that ache though by giving us a smooth song to vibe to. Even though the lyrics are a bit melancholy; his vocals and the music make this tune very sweet. It’s another one of my favorites oddly enough, for being somewhat sad it’s really quite catchy. 


5. She 

This song makes me feel as if I’m daydreaming an entire novel. To me, it’s reminiscent of a song from his past called Woman (another of my personal favorites). She‘s almost foggy energy gives an air of mystery to the whole song, which leaves us all with a burning question: who is she? From the song, all we know is, “she lives in daydreams with me/she’s the first one that I see” – some have speculated it is about an ex, but we’re not quite sure. One thing is clear though, She fits right in with the album and is yet another song that I’ll be singing for a while. 


So even though I thoroughly enjoy the album as a whole, these songs, in particular, would have to be my favorites. It was hard at first to pick, but I gave the album another listen, and these were the songs I found myself singing along to. Fine Line is certainly an amazing album, and I would recommend it to anyone who is a fan of pop music in any way. So while I’m over here swooning at Harry in general, go give his album a listen! 

Just a psych major looking to share some words!
Her Campus at SAU