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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

The beginning of October means crunchy leaves, everything pumpkin and Halloween decorations galore, but for this week’s campus celebrity fall means soccer. Junior Morgan Lynn can be found standing in front of the soccer net blocking any shot that threatens to damage the Queen Bees soccer team. The goalie from Pekin, Ill, has been playing soccer since she was six-years-old, so it is safe to say that she is truly looking forward to this year’s season.

                “Our team’s really good this year; I think we can make it to nationals,” Lynn said.

                When she is not defending the goal, Lynn can be found participating in CAB, the Accounting Club, Up ‘til Dawn and Dance Marathon as a Morale Captain. On top of all of these activities, Lynn balances her majors of Accounting and Finance in hopes of becoming a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) and eventually being a CEO of a company.

                This dream started from a recommendation from Lynn’s high school guidance counselor to try an accounting class.

                “I knew I would be in Math, and then my guidance counselor said to try and accounting class and I loved it!” Lynn said. The black and white answers and knowing that you are right is what Lynn likes most about accounting. This fits perfectly with what Lynn notes as her biggest achievement so far. This past summer, Lynn was an intern at Pekin Insurance and has accepted another internship during the tax season.

                “I’m starting to be a big girl,” Lynn said. No matter how frightening that may be, Lynn knows she has a support system behind her at SAU. Her advisor, Cynthia Dittmer inspires Lynn the most because of the support and motherly advice she provides.

                St. Ambrose fits Lynn’s bubbly personality perfectly. She loves the friends and people at SAU and the fact that she can walk across campus and always see a friendly face.

                In her free time Lynn enjoys hanging out with friends, scrapbooking and over the summer discovered cross-fit training. Three things you may find interesting about Lynn are that she is a St. Louis Cardinals fan, hates roller coasters that go upside down and she was a cheerleader in high school. So if you happen to see a smiling face walking across the football field, or see a streak of blonde hair blocking the Bees soccer goal, you can bet that it is Morgan Lynn.

Her Campus at SAU