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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Did you know that there are less than 40 Nationally Certified Resume Writers in the United States? Did you know that we have one of them here at SAU? Meet Kim Matteson, SAU’s very own Nationally Certified Resume Writer and Career Center staff member!

Time spent at SAU:  11 years
Educational Background: BA in Psychology, MA is Postsecondary Education Student Affairs (both from UNI)
In 10 years where do you see yourself:  Hopefully at SAU
Favorite college memory as an undergrad:  I lived with 10 girls in what was called the “Bat House” because we often had bats in the very old house that we lived in.  Although I don’t like bats, it was pretty hysterical to see the reactions of 10 girls with a bat in the house.
Dream job in college:  Any job where I could help others.
If you could travel anywhere, where would it be and why:  Giethroon, Netherlands because they don’t have roads or cars and travel by boat.  Sometimes I feel like my life is so busy, this seems like a good way to slow down.
Guilty pleasure:  Chocolate
Hobbies:  Reading, cooking, and spending time with my family
How did you come upon/get your job at SAU:  I asked Ryan Saddler if he would do an informational interview with me and he agreed.  He told me about the opening.
What is your favorite part about working in the Career Center:  My colleagues and the “aha moments” students have when they learn something new or something about themselves that helps them figure out their career trajectory. 
What is your advice to seniors who are still looking for a job:  Persevere….you will work harder for your first job out of college than any other job that you apply for.
When writing a resume what do you think is the most important part/thing to add:  Your accomplishments
Why do you think it is SO important that students take advantage of the Career Center:  Come into the Career Center and I will show you some before and after resumes and you will see for yourself! Also, 80% of employers want to see relevant work experience on your resume, so it is extremely important to take part in internships or find part-time jobs that are related to your major so you can apply what you are learning in the classroom.
If you could change/add anything about the Career center, what would it be and why:  More staff, so we could help more students
If you could work at any college doing the same thing you do now, where would it be and why:  Wake Forest University, I am a huge fan of Andy Chan.
What is your favorite part about working at SAU:  The students
What is your favorite event that the Career Center puts on at SAU: The Networking and Etiquette Dinner
Greatest achievement:  1 of less than 40 Nationally Certified Resume Writers in the United States
*All photos provided by Kim


Hi my name is Vic(Tori)a. I enjoy eating endless amouts of potato chips and regretting it afterwards, shopping even when I can't afford it, and checking things off my to-do list.
Her Campus at SAU