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Kelsey Lehman, ’12

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

As the 2011-2012 school year comes to a close, everyone should take a moment to congratulate the seniors and wish them well. Since we couldn’t choose ALL of the seniors to be the HC SAU Campus Celebrity this week, we had to choose just one. Kelsey Lehman, from Freeport, Ill., is that lucky person!

Kelsey will be graduating on Saturday with degrees in public relations and strategic communication. She is one of the most outgoing girls at SAU, and she will be greatly missed.

When asked for some background information about herself, Kelsey’s crazy personality that everyone at Ambrose loves so much shone through quite clearly.

“I would do anything to eat Chipotle every day of my life. If I were a man, I would be Robert Downey, Jr. because he has the best facial hair on this side of the Mississippi. I also enjoy long, moonlit walks along the fields of Iowa and Illinois.”

Throughout her time at Ambrose, Kelsey has been quite active. She spent two years as a member of the Student Alumni Association. She was the Marketing Co-Chair for one of those years. Kelsey also loves to sing, and she took that passion into SAU’s Chamber and University chorale groups. Collegiettes may recognize her from Ambrose Idol, which she participated in with her “partner-in-crime, Laura Davis.” They were voted runner-up as a duo both this year and last in the competition.

Kelsey has also excelled in academics. This is only her third year at St. Ambrose, and she has already earned two degrees.

Although she is proud of this achievement, she will miss Ambrose, especially all her friends and roommates.

“I will miss all the shenanigans that occur in the PI room. The best part of my time here was finding the weirdest people on campus and being fortunate enough to call them my best and closest friends. I won’t miss burnt mac and cheese and stink bomb fire drills in Hagen and Tiedemann.”

In fact, one of the most important lessons Kelsey learned over the past three years is just how important friendships are.

“Cherish your friends. Friends last longer than any piece of paper you may receive upon graduating, so take care of each other! I’m going to miss everyone so much!”

Now that she is being unleashed to the real world, Kelsey is pursuing her search for her dream job. She doesn’t know exactly what that is yet, but she is excited to find out.

For those collegiettes looking for some wise advice about SAU, Kelsey is your girl.

“Work hard, have fun, don’t take a night class in Ambrose Hall because it is terrifying, eat your fruits and veggies.”

Kelsey has thoroughly enjoyed Ambrose and has definitely left her mark here with her fun-loving ways. Her Campus would like to congratulate Kelsey and all the other graduating seniors!

In one last little sentence, Kelsey would like to send a shout out to some of her best friends.

“I would like to thank all the people who have helped and motivated me, especially Brianna Simpson, Brooke Thennes, Laura Davis, Brittni Jones, and Jessica Bousselot! We will forever remember the greatness of the PI room!”


Mary is a senior at St. Ambrose University majoring in English and journalism. She is originally from Naperville, IL and hopes to one day be back in Chicago. In the past Mary has interned for Sourcebooks, a publishing company in Naperville, and this past year she studied abroad in London and interned at Parliament. She hopes to one day be an editor in publishing at a magazine or at a publishing group like Penguin. Besides being the founding editor of Her Campus St. Ambrose, Mary is also a writing tutor at St. Ambrose. In her free time, she loves to travel, hang out with family and friends, and shop a little bit too much at Gap and J. Crew!