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Jimmy Leyden ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Name: Jimmy Leyden

Grade: Senior

Relationship Status: Single

Hometown: Chicago, IL

Major: Nursing

Campus Involvement: SAU Men’s Volleyball

Favorite book: Hunger Games

Favorite food: Desert heat and hot bbq boneless wings from Buffalo Wild Wings

Favorite superhero: Batman

Favorite TV show: Weeds

Hobbies: Spending time with my pals

One thing people don’t know about you: I’m an Irish twin

Dream job: Working in the pediatric oncology unit

Idol: My dad

Celebrity crush: Blake Lively

Favorite restaurant: Buffalo Wild Wings

Cook for a girl or be cooked for:  Be cooked for (I would probably burn down the house)

Favorite spot in the QC: Strub C Townhouse

Idea of a perfect first date: Probably going to a new restaurant neither of us have been to and trying each others food. After, a movie would be nice, and definitely some ice cream!

Traits you look for in a girl: Independent, smart, funny, beautiful smile

Deal breaker: Not able to carry on a conversation

Sexiest thing a girl can wear: A baseball hat