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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Hey everyone, it’s a few weeks away from graduation! Although I have enjoyed my time at St. Ambrose University, I am ready to go. I am excited to start my new chapter in life and step into new opportunities. I am thankful for each person who has impacted my life, whether it was helping me through the good or bad times. I have had some awesome individuals by my side since the beginning, encouraging me not to give up! I’ve had some cries, laughter, doubts… wanting to drop out… but here I am still strong. I’d like to thank of course my family for believing in me, but also shout out to my mom who told me to go to college. Although I had no interest in going to college, here I am! A first-generation student ready to graduate with a B.A. in Spanish and Minors in Leadership and Marketing. Finally!

I’d also like to thank some of my SAU fam; Fritz Dieudonné, Daneel Gayle, Arturo Meijide, Jason Richter, Brittany Tullis, Sophia Pierce, Alyse Schmidt, Dr. Miller, Dr. Bryne, Ryan Saddler, Kim Matteson, the list can go on! I guess really just thank you to my awesome professors, ResLife, clubs/organizations, and the DEI fam for being a part of my journey! I am so fortunate to have met every single one of you, build strong connections, grow and learn so much from you all!

I wish you all the best, and I hope to keep in touch. Now it’s my turn to be that helping hand to others, as you all were to me. My goal is to be a continuous learner and leader while pursuing a career in Higher Education. My new chapter awaits!

I am one step closer to becoming who I’m meant to! :)