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The Girl Gang Breakdown: 11 Friends Every Girl Needs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

We’ve all had those tragic friend break-ups or the friends who’ve just grown apart, a natural part of life as a girl. But there are some friends you know you can always count on. You love them more than life itself and its always a party with your girls.


And so here are the 11 types of friends every girl needs…

1. The Childhood Bestie

This is someone you’ve known forever, the kind of friend you meet in preschool. Sleepovers, playing dress-up, and birthday parties; all of your best memories are with her. You’ve been through everything together, the good, the bad, and the ugly; and you couldn’t imagine growing up alongside anyone else.

2. The Prom Queen

The high school best friend you can always count on. Going away to college, your other friends just won’t understand all of the hometown drama like your high school bestie. You might be apart but you’ll never be forgotten!

3. The Sister

Whether she’s your sister sister or your sister from another mister, you could not live without this girl! She is your rock, your shoulder to cry on, your person. You’re inseparable and you know you couldn’t live one second without her.

4. The Mom

The caring and cautious one of the group. Always way overprotective and way over-prepared, you don’t know how she does it and you don’t know what you’d do without her.

5. The Funny One

The silliest/craziest/goofiest person you’ve ever met, and the only one who can make you blow chocolate milk out of your nose laughing so hard. She’s the laugh so hard you cry and pee your pants laughing kind of funny without even trying.

6. The Wild Child

The life of the party! She knows how to hype everyone up. She pushes the boundaries and always gets away with it. She gives the best advice but mess with her and you’ll regret it.

7. The Social Butterfly

Who even knew one person could know so many people? She’s got all of the connections. You’re constantly waiting for her to catch up after she stops to talk to someone. She’s the reason you’ve met all of your other friends and you’re forever grateful.

8. The Adviser

She’s older and wiser than the rest. She’ll talk you out of all the dumb ideas and keep you sane. You’re pretty convinced she has an answer to everything and her advice is hands-down the best.

9. The Tomboy

She’s not afraid to get her hands dirty. She lives in the moment and is always up for an adventure, no matter how last minute. She’s as tough as nails and always has your back. She doesn’t care what anyone thinks, but look out because she’s brutally honest.

10. The Problem Solver

The one person who can get you out of anything. No problem too big or too small, she’s got solutions for ‘em all. She’s super smart and super crafty. Without her you’d probably still be locked out of your car or trying to find a way to ditch that guy.

11. The Girly-Girl

She’s got a wicked sense of fashion and always looks flawless. Hair? Makeup? Outfit of the Day? She’s got you covered. She knows how to boost your confidence with the touch of a brush… every sleeping beauty needs her fairy godmother.


Some girls can go their whole lives with one best friend, I’m pretty convinced I’d die without all 11. Thank goodness for my besties!


Which kind of friend are you?


SAU'21 exercise science/pre-PT my cat is my bestfriend