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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

I am here to share some easy, simple and non stressful date night ideas. These can be used whenever or even for the upcoming holiday we all know as Valentine’s Day. This might be a day that is stressful to plan what to do for your significant other, close friend or just a friend. Here are 5 easy things to do on this day or any other date with the one you love depending on how you are feeling.

Netfix & Chill

Order food in from your favorite place and either pop in a movie or put a Netflix show on. This is just a simple evening in with your love together. It doesn’t take a lot of time or effort before hand except picking food and a movie you agree on.

Netflix symbol on TV with a hand holding a remote
Photo by freestocks.org on Unsplash

Roller Rink or Bowling Alley 

This is something for those who don’t like to stay cooped up at home and doing activities. Want to have fun and be active, go out and have a friendly competition or bowling or a fun night skating around to different songs.

Celina Timmerman-Girl With Skates Smiling
Celina Timmerman / Her Campus

“New to You”

Go out and try a new restaurant that you guys have never been to. This is if you guys are feeling hungry and want to be adventurous. Step out of your comfort zone and try a cuisine you normally wouldn’t do.


Go to a Museum

Wanting to go learn something you or your partner is into. Go explore a museum that you don’t know very much about. Take some time to gain some knowledge while exploring the museum.

The Lalatwo Friends Looking At City Skyline
Her Campus Media

Game Night

Ready for some fun while staying in. Pull out a game and your favorite drinks while having a night full of laughs and fun.

Three red candy hearts stand out against a grey background in a game of tic-tac-toe

Veronica A(V) is the Campus Correspondent at HC @ SAU. She oversees the entire chapter including editorial, events, social media, etc. Beyond HC, V is involved on campus. She is the President of DAPi. She is the Social Media Director for SAAT, and a Sexual Assault Advocate. Veronica is majoring in Early Childhood Education with an endorsement in Special Education and a minor in Music. She is currently student teaching!!! In her freetime, V plays the flute and other instruments and can sing. She used to play and coach softball. Veronica was born in Florida but now lives in Illinois. She also has 2 cats at home. She was the D.E.I. Ambassador for 2 years.