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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Most people know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. But fewer know that it is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month. 

Domestic Violence Awareness Month was started by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence in 1981 (Domestic Violence). The Month of Awareness is meant to bring awareness to the prevalence of Domestic Violence and to unify victims (Domestic Violence). Domestic Violence is a very prevalent dilemma in the United States. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence can affect around 20 people per minute, which means that over 10 million people in the US per year are abused by an intimate partner (Statistics). 

Clearly, Domestic Violence is a major issue; it harms millions of people per year. That is why knowing about Domestic Violence Awareness Month is important, and why it is important to participate in raising awareness whenever possible. 

This month on campus there are 2 major ways that we can have an impact. The first way to get involved is by participating in Purple Thursdays. Wear purple on Thursdays to start a conversation about Domestic Violence on campus, and if you take a picture of yourself wearing purple and tag SAAT on social media, you can be entered to be in a raffle that will be announced on October 30th. The second way to be involved is to attend the event on  Purple Thursday. Purple Thursday occurs on the third Thursday of October and is the National Day of Action against Domestic Violence. From 12-3 p.m. on October 19th, SAAT will be hosting an event on Rogo Patio. At this event Students, Faculty, and Staff will have the opportunity to participate in the Handprint Pledge. The Handprint Pledge is a pledge that your hand will never harm another person. This is a very quick and easy event to attend and it is a great way to raise awareness about the impacts of Domestic Violence. 

Summary- Wear purple every Thursday in October to raise awareness for DV & stop by Rogo Patio on October 19th to participate in the handprint pledge. 


Domestic Violence Awareness Month – Domestic Violence: It’s EVERYBODY’S Business

Statistics (ncadv.org)

Addison Frahm is a writer at HC @ SAU. Beyond HC, Addison is involved in cheer, SAAT, and Psychology Club. She also works at a local pizza place and works on campus in the Psychology Department. Addison is majoring in Forensic Psychology with an adult concentration. In her free time, Addison enjoys spending time with her friends and family, reading books, and spending time outside. A fun fact about Addison is that she has a twin!