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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Valentine’s Day can be a great holiday to surprise your special someone with the perfect gift you’ve been wanting to give them forever. V-day can also be the worst holiday because it’s right after Christmas and there’s too much pressure to find the perfect gift. Below are some DIY gift ideas that will definitely melt your SO’s heart. 

If you’re SO loves to play cards or even loves cheesey gifts, this one is perfect. All you have to do is buy a deck of cards, punch holes in the sides to string ribbon in, then come up with 52 reasons why you like/love them and boom–you have the perfect corny gift. 

The classic “Open when..” gift idea. You can bet that this will be a winner in the gift realm. These letters are perfect for a long distance relationship. Your SO will get little pieces of you whenever they need. 

This might possibly be one of the cheesiest gift ideas I’ve seen but if your SO is a candy lover–you’ll be sure to win him over this holiday. 

This is my personal favorite and problem one of the most unique DIY gifts I’ve seen. Not only are you giving an easy, corny gift–but it has all the essentials. Your SO will get socks, underwear, and alcohol. Your SO will definitely know that they “comfort you” (LOL)


Of course there are hundereds of other DIY Valentine’s Day gift ideas but these are some of the easiest and best ones I’ve seen. Good luck crafting and Happy V-Day Bees! <3


photo cred: Pinterest & Google


Im Alyssa. I dance and sing for fun (not always well).Im way too sassy for my own good and cant wait to start my career. 
Her Campus at SAU