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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

My freshman year I came into college with a boyfriend. He was a year younger than me. I was two and a half hours away from him. For the first semester of college, I never really left my room and I would go home almost every weekend to see him. Once track season was in full swing, I was not able to come home as often. This started to distance our relationship more and more. I started realizing that I needed to make a selfish decision and end the relationship.

When I was a senior and he was a junior, we were inseparable. I distanced myself from friends and he was my number one priority, I would do almost everything for him. Over the summer of me going away to college and him going to be a senior in high school, we were together all the time. We both knew when I was going to leave for college, it was going to be rough for us just being away from each other because he was my best friend. We dated for a year and a half. There were many factors that led to my decision but I, to this day, think it was a mature decision to think of myself first for once and realize I needed to focus on school and track.

He was my first real relationship, and I would say he was my first love. To this day I will still always love and care about him. With ending this relationship, I met amazing people and made a great group of friends. I do not know if this would have happened if I would have stayed with him. I think because of this I have changed for the better. I have gained a closer relationship with my family, focused on school more and fully invested myself with track. I am happy with who I am today.


My name is Bridget Sulek, and I am a sophomore at St. Ambrose University. I am part of the track and field team and I also work part time at Francesca's Boutique. I am planning on majoring in Psychology with a minor in Philosophy and going to graduate school for Speech-Language Pathology.