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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.


As the end of my college career is approaching, time has been an important concept in my mind. Where have these four years gone? Did I make the most out of college? What can I still accomplish during my last semester?

With all these questions bouncing around in my mind, I decided to compile a bucket list ideas or goals that can benefit collegiettes. People in general tend to think that time is endless and there will be plenty of it in the future. But, in reality, time goes by unbelievably quick, and it is up to you to make sure you get the most out of your time. Check out some bucket list ideas to accomplish during college:

Take a random class
Aside from major classes, explore something new that you might be interested in. Even if a class doesn’t sound too interesting, take it anyways. You never know what you might learn.

Go on a spring break trip
Save your money, get a group of friends, and plan a trip! Spring break is something every college student should experience. A crazy vacation with good friends and warm weather can create memories you will remember.

Build your resume
Since the whole point of college is to get a job, you should create a resume. Having an updated resume at hand will keep you prepared for any upcoming opportunities. The SAU Career Center offers resources for students who are creating a resume.

Take a personal day (Yes, I mean ditch class!)
Now I don’t advise doing this often, but sometimes it’s OK to take a day off from class. If you want to get in some extra sleep or want to do something fun, playing hookie can be great in moderation.

Go on a random date
College is about learning and experiencing new things, so when that cutie in the cafe finally talks to you, don’t shy away! Plan a date to the movies or get some food together. The date might be a total dud, but it could also develop into something special.

Get an internship

Internships are very important for a college student. You gain experience and develop skills that will be used in the future. Internships can be found by searching online, asking teachers, or contacting the SAU Career Center. Paid or unpaid, working hard in an internship can only benefit you.

Join a club
Get involved on campus. Joining a club can help you meet new people, develop interests and talents, and plus it looks great on a resume. There are a ton of clubs at SAU that you can join, like Her Campus!

Do something crazy
College isn’t just about studying and classes. My freshman year, students planned a snowball fight in the practice field at midnight. I had class early in the morning and was freezing, but had a great time. So have some fun. Go to Wednesday dollar bottles at Rookies (21 and older readers). Stay up all night watching a TV series with your roomies. Sometimes random ideas make the best memories.

Develop relationships with professors
Make a point to actually know your professors. Not only will this help you in class, but you can use their help in the future for letters of recommendations or job opportunities. Sending thank you letters or stopping by to say hello is all it takes for teachers to feel appreciated.

Study abroad
Studying abroad is something i’ve regretted not doing. Look into the study abroad programs here at SAU. Living in another country is an experience most students love. There are so many exciting places in the world that should be explored.

Make your own bucket list
This list can be endless because there are so many amazing things you can do with your time. Whether it is your freshman year or senior year of college, write down a bucket list of things you would like to do. Who cares if you only cross one thing off the list? Just attempting something new is a great way to spend your valuable and limited time.

What almost made the list:

  • Keep a journal
  • Learn how to cook
  • Attend campus events and lectures
  • Go to sporting events
  • Introduce yourself to a random stranger
  • Go to a themed party
  • Volunteer in the Quad Cities
  • Create an exercise routine