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Bridget LeMaire, ’12

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

This week’s campus celebrity is senior Bridget LeMaire.  Originally from Saint Charles, Ill., LeMaire is majoring in public relations and marketing.  You have undoubtedly seen her giving campus tours to prospective freshmen; she may have even taken you on a tour.  Her bright personality always lights up the room and is sure to put a smile on your face.  Ambrose is the only school she applied to and when her mom told her she got in, she cried like a baby! 

While giving tours, she hates being asked, “what is your favorite part of Ambrose” because she can’t pick just one thing. But if she has to choose, the people would be a favorite.  “I have a lot of people on this campus who push me and never gave up on me,” she said.  “If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be here today.”

When sharing a favorite memory of Ambrose, LeMaire can’t pick just one! “Junior year I won parents of the year so that was really exciting.   My favorite one is when Alan Sivell read to our communications class The Polar Express during Christmas season. The little boy could only hear the bell if he believed. Sivell told us that we needed to believe in ourselves in order to succeed in life. I’ll never forget that.”

Upon graduation, she is going to miss everything about Ambrose. “This has felt like my home for the last four years,” LeMaire said. “I’ve grown to love everyone and everything. I’m going to miss my freedom, but now I have two new roommates: my mom and dad!”

As for her life after Ambrose, she is hoping to work in admissions for another college. “I like the whole admissions process; I want to share to incoming students my stories. But, my dream job is to be on the red carpet interviewing celebrities, (if you have to dream might as well dream big right?!)”

Advice she has for incoming students: “Being at college is hard; it’s different when you are away from home and don’t have that comfort of family and friends. Whatever you do, don’t keep yourself locked up in your room. Get out there and get involved or else you’re going to remember your college years being in your dorm.”  And as a freshman she wishes someone would have told her what to bring and what’s not important to bring. “I don’t need ten pairs of high heels and twenty picture frames of my parents.”

“You learn as you get older,” LeMaire says.  She couldn’t be more right.  This campus celebrity is someone people can look up to and we hope someday to see her on that red carpet interviewing the hottest celebs known to man!

A lover, dreamer and overachiver.