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Bikini Bod or Bust

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Spring break is five weeks away. Are you ready? Is your body ready? (Is your liver ready?) For years now girls/women/females have been imprinted with the idea of what a bikini ready body looks like. Probably something pretty close to this right?


Personally, I know maybe three people who actually look like this and it’s all natural. They don’t go to the gym, they eat fast food multiple times a week, if not everyday – they’re just lucky. The rest of us have to work really f*ck!ng hard to look even like a mediocre version of this girl. Unfortunately, not everyone is comfortable in the gym, so they’ve settled for “The White Girl Workout”. AKA cardio and abs.


Of course both of those physical activities are important, but we could be doing so much more for our bodies. Cardio alone is a great muscle builder and even builds bone mass, but that’s not going to get rid of your bikini top bulge. That booty might gain slight muscle mass, but when I say slight I mean slight.

(your butt will end up looking like this and you will die…of embarrassment)


I’m not saying you need to throw weight around like some of the guys in the gym – you know who they are – but weight lifting can seriously alter the body. Sure running and doing abs* can shrink up some undesired chub, but it’s not going to GET RID OF IT.

*sorry ladies, abs come from the kitchen, not from the gym.


Lifting doesn’t need to be getting YOLKED/SWOLE/JACKED or whatever the hell else people say. It’s just a way of gaining muscle and actually being able to build your body. Why do you think they call it body building? Don’t like your thighs? – squats, deadlifts, leg extensions etc. Don’t like when your arms giggle? – curls, tricep dips. There’s so much you can do to seriously change the way your body looks. A simple pinterest search can get you (and your body) so far.


“Not only does lifting increase blood flow – creating a stronger heart, and balances hormones, but higher muscle mass makes it easier to burn fat.” – recent SAU physical education grad, Jesse Hansen said. (#bodiesbyhansen)


So not only can you internally improve your body (and maybe not be such a crazy b!+ch when you’re on your period), but building muscle can help you burn all that undesired belly fat too.


All of this can be pretty intimidating – trust me I know – but don’t be afraid to try something new. Those super “jacked” guys in the gym can look pretty scary, but they didn’t know what they were doing at one point too. SAU’s a pretty small school and chances are, you probably know someone in the gym who would be willing to help you.


All in all, GET YOUR A$$ TO THE GYM!

Her Campus at SAU