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Be Spring Break Ready: Procrastinator’s Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

As college students, we know that we procrastinate on just about everything we can: papers, homework, projects, laundry, and even life sometimes.  So in all seriousness, what’s keeping us from procrastinating on our Spring Break plans and preparations?  

Your stomach is probably already flipping at the thought of mid-terms and the overflowing to-do list you have, so take this article as a sign to QUIT PROCRASTINATING. Waiting until the night before a paper is due to begin writing is occasionally okay.  However, waiting until the night before to plan or pack for a spring break trip is not.  It’s essential to begin the planning process of Spring Break early to avoid all the chaos and ensure an enjoyable trip.  So whether you’re traveling south or staying home for the week, here are some tips to have a bangin’ Spring Break, even if it is impromptu.

1.)  Focus on your school work now.

The last thing on your mind while you’re soaking up rays with your friends is the test that will come the following Monday.  Use all the brain cells you have before they are shriveled up from the long nights, suggestive drinks, and sleep deprivation.  Get all of your homework done in advance. Not only will you thank yourself in the long run, but so will your GPA.

2.)  Make a packing list.

Since we both already know you’re a procrastinator, you will not actually pack until the night of.  So, the least you could do is make a packing list of all the basic necessities so you don’t have to buy over-priced toiletries in the hotel or resort gift shop.  Check out a great packing list from a HerCampus contributer here

3.) Workout. Get your body moovin’! 

Obviously with a little less than two weeks to go you won’t see a dramatic difference in your appearance, but it’s a good energy and confidence booster! Set your alarm clock an hour earlier.  Stick to a routine.  Get your exercise in.

4.) …And eat right.

Ignore the stress cravings that come with mid-terms and opt for a healthier route.  Try taking an apple from the dining hall instead of a cookie on your way out to avoid unhealthy snacking.  Once you deprive your body of sugar, it naturally goes hunting for fat to burn.

5.) Buy sunscreen!

PLEASE.  Believe me, you’ll thank yourself later.  Sunscreen prevents against skin cancer, wrinkles, and keeps you sunburn free.  Make this item a definite “must-have” in your beach bag.

6.)  Pick a swimsuit that fits you well.

Whether it’s a one piece, two piece, or something in-between, pick something that you can feel comfortable in.  I totally understand how tempting it can be to buy new suits, especially when new styles have arrived in stores like Pac Sun, Victoria’s Secret, and Triangl.  Fortunately, places like Target sell some of the best suits for significantly less than their competitors, which can help you save money towards other Spring Break expenses. 


7.)  Download Music

Before hopping on a plane, or driving across states with poor cell-phone reception, update your music playlist! Burn a CD! Whatever you have to do so you can jam out with your friends all week long.

8.) Assemble your squad.

Whether it’s your new crew from SAU or your ride-or-dies from high school, it’s important to hang out with other people besides your parents.  Of course mom and dad are cool, (look what they made) but if you never leave the house, you run the risk of missing out on some pretty great memories.  Plan something fun, even if it is in your home-town.

9.)  When traveling, know your surroundings.

Exchange numbers with your parents of those who you’re traveling with.  Even sharing the phone number and addresses of where you will be can help if something goes awry.  Spring Break is not your average college party.  Make a pact with one of your travel companions to always stay by each other’s’ side.

10.) Above all else, make the most of your time off from school.

Let loose, relax, and have fun!