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Andrew Sibenaller ‘13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Andrew Sibenaller of Gurnee, Ill. is this week’s campus celebrity.  This junior majoring in exercise science hopes to go into physical therapy–more specifically, the field of geriatrics.   But one of his major goals is to become a father because family is one of the largest priorities Sibenaller has in life. 
At St. Ambrose, Sibenaller is seen as a leader and mentor to all students.  He is involved in many activities, some of which include CAB, SOUP, STARS, Peer Assistants and Peer Mentors.  His favorite part of Ambrose is the student population because everyone is different and unique, and there’s such a diverse population that it’s interesting to see where people come from.  He originally chose Ambrose as his university because it’s located in a superb area with the program he wanted with excellent regards.  He always wanted a school that offers small class sizes for personable interactions.  He found it here and is glad he made the transition from Gurnee to Davenport.
Advice that Sibenaller has for younger students is to BEE yourself and don’t be afraid to try something new every day.  You don’t know what’s out there until you give it a try.  The best advice he ever received was, “it is what it is.  Move on and go with the flow.”  That is good for students to hear because of the amount of stress students have.  Knowing that sometimes you just have to let it go can help ease the pain.
A person Sibenaller really thinks represents Ambrose is Jason Richter.  “Because of everything he does to put stuff together on campus and everything he has helped me and everyone at Ambrose do,” Sibenaller said.
When asked about what he is going to miss about Ambrose upon graduation, he said everything, obviously.  But more specifically the faculty, staff and students and all the opportunities this campus provides.  

A lover, dreamer and overachiver.