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The 7 Girls of Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Valentine’s day can bring out the best in us and the worst in us.

Okay, so it’s usually the worst. Whether you’re as taken as a Liam Neeson’s daughter, blissfully single, miserably single or anywhere in between, there’s a pretty good chance V-day will turn you into one of these 7 girls.

Maybe they’re a little embarrassing, but Valentine’s Day is pretty embarrassing itself, am I right?

Read em, hate em, love em, but most of all, EMBRACE EM.



The embracer and replacer

No boyfriend, no problem. Ice cream and wine can never let you down. At least calories don’t count on this holiday, right? Right. YOU GO GIRL. 

The hater

This girl just ain’t havin’ it. You’re going on a date with your boyfriend? LAME. You’re really discussing Valentine’s Day with that Tinder guy? EW. You’re wearing red? SO annoying. Moral of the story is, this girl wouldn’t be happy if she found 100 million heart shaped dollars in her pocket. Best approach: let her go, let her gooooo….

The girl who says no thank you

Nobody ever said all girls want to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Apparently, nobody told boys any different, either. This girl might have actual stuff to do, okay, and Valentine’s Day is at the bottom of her list. She might have just met that guy at the bar last weekend, and now he wants to take her on a miserable Valentine’s date just because he thinks he should. NEWSFLASH: Valentine’s Day is not mandatory, and this girl knows it.


The tearjerker

Maybe she broke up with her boyfriend 7 months ago and it’s just now hitting her, or maybe she had a dream about her wedding last night despite her singular status. Whatever it is, self-pity and a waterfall of tears is the only way she feels like celebrating this dang holiday, and there ain’t nothing wrong with that. Pass the Ryan Gosling DVD and Kleenex, please.



The sasshole

She doesn’t give a !@#$, and no conversation this week will go without a little attitude or loaded comment. No one rocks the sass pants like her.


The shameless girl in love

She doesn’t care that you don’t have a valentine. She does, and she’s going to bask in all of its pink, romantic, chocolatey, flowery, date-y glory. Yeah, you probably hate her for it, but deep down you love her for it/are trying to be happy for her/okay maybe you kinda only hate her a little for it.

and last but not least… 

The forever hopeful one

She optimistic almost to a fault. Even at 11:59 p.m. on the 14th, she still feels like love could hit her like 3 consecutive shots of vodka at any moment. We should all be a little more like her, and a little less okay with the idea of becoming a cat ladies. What a woman.  


Whatever kind of V-day girl you are, celebrate next Saturday the way you want to. Peace, love, ice cream, and chick flicks.

photos and gifs from Gify and Pinterest

I'm Maddi(son). I like to talk, laugh, and eat cake and peanut butter in copious amounts. Call me maybe. 
Her Campus at SAU