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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Tired of just sitting around and doing nothing this fall? Grab your boo (or BFF) and use this as your checklist for everything to get done to make his the best fall yet!

Watch a Halloween Classic

Everyone loves watching a cute Halloween classic, like The Nightmare Before Christmas. Or if you’re brave enough, watch a scary movie and be thankful you’ve got your boo there to save you!!

Wear Matching Flannels

Plan cute outfits for both of you to wear on your adventures. Matching flannels would make the cutest pics!

Go Apple Picking

Visit a local apple orchard and pick some locally grown apples. A perfect activity and a perfect healthy snack for later.

Share a pumpkin pie

Nothing is more fall than a classic pumpkin pie! Just grab one (and of course a whole can of whipped cream to go along with) and indulge in the perfect fall dessert.

Take a Trip to a Local Pumpkin Patch

You can’t have fall without a trip to a pumpkin patch with your boo. And once you’ve picked the perfect pumpkins, you can carve them together too!

Get Lost in a Corn Maze Together

While you’re at the pumpkin patch, take part in the corn maze (if they have one). Nothing brings two people closer together like getting lost in a corn maze!

Go on a Nature Hike

Fall’s beautiful colors can best be enjoyed from a nature trail. Go on a stroll with your boo and enjoy the reds, oranges, and yellows of the trees around you.

Go for a Hayride

Or if you’re not one for walking, go on a hayride and enjoy the fall colors from the comfort of a bale of hay!

Decorate for Halloween together

Halloween is the best holiday out there and your dorm room needs a spooky vibe. Have your boo help you decorate so you both can get into the spooky season!

Plan a Cute Couples Costume!

After your all done decorating for the best holiday out there, don’t forget to plan your adorable couples’ costumes together!

And after you’re done with a crazy packed fall day, snuggle up and enjoy some hot chocolate or some hot apple cider together!

Exercise Science Pole Vault & Saxophone Craft Enthusiast