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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.


There’s only a few people in this world you can love as much as you love your family, and a best friend is one of those people. You share memories, laughs, love, and lots and lots of clothes. I’m not one to say that I can’t live without my best friend. But, now that I’ve lived with her, I wouldn’t dream of living without her. So what makes her so special?

Well, here’s 10 reasons why she’s my best friend.

1. She has the biggest heart. She cares about anyone and everyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re a complete stranger, she’ll always lend a helping hand, and she’ll love doing it.

2. She’s my number one supporter. She’ll laugh at my jokes when I think I’m hilarious and I’m actually not funny at all. She always compliments me even when I look my worst. She believes in me and that’s all a person needs sometimes.

3. She’s passionate and driven. I have yet to see something she’s totally bad at. She puts her heart into everything she does. She’s practically the best at everything because when she puts her mind to something there’s nothing that can get in her way.

4. She never fails to amaze me.  Just when I think I’ve seen every good side to her and every talent, she pulls out another. I am amazed by her generosity, optimism, and determination everyday. If everyone could just amount to half the person she is the world would be such an amazing place.

5. She has the best fashion sense and helps me out on the daily. I don’t know how many times I’ve had her pick me out an outfit or transform my rats nest of a head  into a beautiful braid. I don’t know how she does it, but thank the lord she’s here to help me because I really need it.  

6. She knows exactly what TV shows I’ll love to binge watch. I’m pretty sure every good show I’ve watched has come from her recommendation. I ended up binge watching 3 seasons of Jane the Virgin first semester just so I could watch season 4 with her. She also introduced me to my all time favorite TV show. If you haven’t watched Bones I highly recommend it! I watched all 12 seasons over part of second semester and the summer, and I loved every second of it.

7. She’s in all of my favorite memories. From movie nights, atomic runs, and my first time skiing to spring break and summer adventures; she’s been a part of all of it. I wouldn’t dream of spending all that time with anyone else.

8. She motivates me to do my best.  How could I not be motivated to do my best when I see her excel in everything she does?

9. She’s always there for me. She’s there for every rant session, freak-out, and breakdown. I can always count on her to listen even when I might be a little dramatic.

And I’ve saved the best for last…

10. She’s accepted me into her family (and they’ve accepted me too). I visited her family more than I visited my own last semester. I’m not quite sure I can even put into words how grateful I’ve been for each and every one of them for accepting me with open arms, but I’ve never been happier to know such an amazing and loving family.

2021 Exercise Science Major