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10 Reasons Why October is the Best Month EVER

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

October may almost be over, but our love for the month is just getting started. With all of its fun-filled activities, it’s no wonder why October has been ranked as the best month ever.* This may or may not be my own personal opinion, but still. In order to help prove my point, here are 10 reasons why October is the best.

1. Halloween

Dressing up and eating your body weight in sugary treats? Count me in.

2. Haunted Houses

Because what’s better than paying money to scream like a girl?

3. Pumpkin Flavored Everything

Ice cream and coffee and doughnuts, oh my!

4. Hocus Pocus is on ALL THE TIME

Rewatch your childhood favorite and finally realize just how often they mention that Max is a virgin.

5. Carving Pumpkins

They may not come out as Pinterest-worthy as you’d hoped, but you’ll still have fun.

6. Pumpkin Patches

Spend a day getting lost in a corn maze, searching for the perfect pumpkin, and petting animals. Be sure to take plenty of pics, and make them social media ready. Because if you don’t post pictures of the pumpkin patch on Instagram, did you really even go?

7. Bonfires

With October comes that perfect weather where all you need is a sweatshirt and a fire. Friends are also a nice addition.

8. Little Kids in Costumes

Because what’s cuter than a toddler dressed as a penguin? I’ll tell you what’s cuter. Nothing.

9. Apple Orchards 

Who doesn’t love picking apples with the apple of their eye?

10. The Leaves

Not only do they look beautiful, but they also make a funny, crunchy sound when you step on them.

With all of that being said, it’s easy to see why October is the best. Thank you. *mic drop*

*October actually comes in 2nd (behind May) on the rating of best months. Whoever picked May over October has some seriously explaining to do.

I'm Amanda, a junior PR major at St. Ambrose. I enjoy long walks on the beach and queso.
Her Campus at SAU