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10 #Back2SchoolProbs we all face

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

1. Your handwriting.

LOL. Did you write your name on the top of that paper, or was it a 4-year-old using her left hand while riding a jackhammer? Hard to tell, really.

2. Adjusting to a new schedule.

Whether you’re going from a 9-5 summer job or from waking up at 1 p.m., getting used to a new class schedule is a-freaking-nnoying and brings out the short term memory loss in all of us.


The golden question of every day. You are constantly hungry because college just does that. You must align lunch and dinner schedule with friends, even if it means eating lunch at 2 in the afternoon and dinner at 4. Nobody wants to face the caf alone.

4. Adjusting to cafeteria food.

‘Nuff said.

5. Dressing for class (Pt. I)

Do you dress homeless because you’re in college and still can? Do you dress semi-presentable because you are technically kind-of sort-of going to be one soon?

You usually choose first option.

6. Dressing for class (Pt. II)

It is 1000000 degrees outside. Your first class is located on the first floor of Elsa’s Frozen castle, but after lunch you’re on the fourth floor of hades. Dressing for the weather does not exist.

7. The Netflix Crisis.

You now have homework to avoid and no Netflix show to watch. Constantly Tweeting in search of suggestions.*

8.  Not having school supplies.

Unfortunately 14th grade does not come with a school supply list. It comes in parts, and usually each part costs approximately as much as a major organ does on the black market. Also, let’s be honest, you all care less about whether or not our pencil case is full and more about whether or not there’s a full case in the fridge.

9. Keeping your seat in class.

No, there are not assigned seats. But if you take someone’s seat on the third day of class expect death stares and angry subtweets headed your way.

10. Living with your best friends again.

It’s so hard to be responsible when live within approximately 200 yards from all of your closest friends. Wanna go to Rookies? Sure. Wanna go to Whitey’s? There is no answer other than yes. Wanna stay up until 3 a.m. doing absolutely nothing when we could be sleeping like normal humans? Always. Your wallet and your body might get a little drained, but hey, this one’s worth it 100% of the time. 


*Netflix suggestions to save you a desperate Tweet: Parks and Recreation, Scandal, Bloodline, Chopped (yes, the cooking show IS ON NETFLIX!), Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Blacklist, The Office.

I'm Maddi(son). I like to talk, laugh, and eat cake and peanut butter in copious amounts. Call me maybe. 
Her Campus at SAU