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SFSU Confessions! Have you heard!?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Francisco chapter.

A majority of students have gone on Facebook for reasons of either being bored or procrastinating on an assignment (or two). During that time, one might come across an updated post on student life at SF State, check out a few postings from friends, or liking a comment here or there. But what if there was a place where one could release a confession they’ve been holding in without anyone knowing it was them? Everyone has a confession that they dare not tell anyone about, and yet, it’s driving them crazy. So… Where could one go when they want to release a confession?

SFSU Confessions is a page on Facebook that has been a source of entertainment – and relief – for students. These postings are exactly that: Confessions – admitting information that one is withholding inside. Whether it is releasing their secrets, admissions, hidden frustrations, lies they’ve told, or secret hook-ups they’ve had, it’s all confessed on the page anonymously by students. No one can trace you to your own confession, so there are no worries to let loose whatever confession is bugging you! Some confessions can be seen as funny (or mean!) as…


Some confessions can be secret hook ups…

Or even of frustration…

The majority of the confessions are humorous as well as commonly relatable to the general viewers on the page. With over 6,000 views and over 1,000 likes, it has become popular to some SFSU students and even to students who don’t attend SF State…

In the end, if you don’t know about SFSU Confessions, you might want to check it out on your spare time–maybe even confess what’s been eating you up too while you’re there!


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Sade Browne

San Francisco

Sade Browne is majoring in Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts. She is a very enthusiastic and down-to-earth person. She is a fan of fashion, music, food, and reading. She loves getting to know people and has a curious mind to find things out that interest her.