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Columbia Pictures / Revolution Studios


The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Francisco chapter.

As Halloween and Halloween parties approach you may find yourself rummaging through your wardrobe in hopes to find a cheap and easy costume for this fall. A staple piece many of us have in our closet is a white dress. A white dress can also easily be thrifted or found at the store for a reasonable price. If you find this piece within your wardrobe you have unlocked tons of possibilities regarding spooky and chic costumes for this Halloween. 

Juliet Capulet 

            We all know and love the famous 1996 film Romeo and Juliet starring Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio, the film is set in the 90’s so it gives the characters a chic and edgy style throughout the film. One of the most iconic outfits in the film is the angel and night costume worn by Juliet and Romeo when they meet for the first time. To impersonate this costume all you would need is a white dress and a pair of angel wings easily found online or in Halloween stores near you. You can add your own personal touch by adding ribbons to the dress, shoes, or hair. In the film, Juliet is seen with her hair down but half pulled up, you can play around with style by curling your hair or adding accessories. This is a super reliable and comfortable costume that is dainty and elegant, perfect for the girly girls! 

Dead Bride 

            If you’re looking for a more Gorey and spooky costume for this Halloween season you can use your white dress to become a dead bride. All you need is a dress, any shoe to your liking, and some sort of headpiece like a veil or crown. To really add the edgy vibe, I would recommend red shoes and adding something to the costume to really amplify that “dead” look. If you thrifted the dress or found a dress you never wear, adding fake blood to the white dress will create a scary yet chic taste to your costume. If you plan on keeping the dress white, ghost-like makeup can suffice and still amply that deathly look to your costume. Light concealer, powder, white, and light blue eyeshadows can all help add to the look. This Dead Bride costume allows freedom for creepy creativity and is super quick and easy to throw together. 


For horror movie fans this is an extremely easy, comfortable, and overall fun costume to put together. The cult classic Midsomer, starring Florence Pugh, contains one of the most iconic characters whose seen in a white dress a big chunk of the film. Dani the main character wins a contest while she’s with her friends in Sweden. The town rewards her with tons of flowers and flower crowns. This costume can easily be recreated by wearing a white dress, some sort of colorful shoe like blue, pink, or yellow, and tons of fake flowers. The flowers can be strung or glued into a flower crown and necklace to really resemble Dani’s look from the film. This costume is an all-time favorite that still presents itself as artistic and beautiful while being comfy and recognizable. 

            The list of possible costumes revolving around a white dress is endless. It’s an extremely versatile and staple piece that we need in our closets, especially as Halloween is just around the corner. Don’t forget to personalize everything to make our costumes unique and chic.

Livia Williams

San Francisco '26

Hello! My name is Livia Williams I am currently a second year at SFSU majoring in journalism. I am a huge advocate for social justice issues and find pride in addressing the inequality that sadly still exists within our societies. I like to tell stories from women all over the world and captivate readers into understanding the obstacles they face on a day to day basis. I hope to provide women with a sense of peace when they read my work and gift them with the realization that they are not alone, and we are all in this together.