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Molly Diedrich, VP of National Panhellic Council of Recruitment

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Francisco chapter.

Molly Diedrich, 20, stands in the corner of the San Francisco State’s recently refurbished J Paul Leonard Library, scanning her phone and checking for empty tables. She doesn’t look it, wearing a simple striped long sleeve, red scarf, and brown boots,  but beginning Fall 2012, she’ll be holding the official title of National Panhellenic Council’s Vice President of Recruitment. While organizing three separate sororities, as well as rewriting rules sounds may be a daunting task for most, Molly looks forward to the challenge.

“I love organizing,” says Molly, who admittedly dislikes being in charge of anything and doesn’t see herself as intimidating. But there’s an upside to being part of an authoritative position: working with a great group of women. Although sororities have gotten a pretty bad reputation from films like Sydney White and House Bunny, Molly assures that the similarities between movies and real life aren’t too similar. Chapters like her own, Alpha Gamma Delta, often set up study groups and require a GPA minimum to ensure the best experience at a university. 

“I forget sometimes that it is a big position because greek life is so small,” says Molly. She was shocked when she recently visited USC and was welcomed by eight chapters. But even when the campus lacks sororities, it doesn’t lack numbers; each of the three sororities has over 100 sisters. Last of Fall, to celebrate the new members, her sorority went to House of Air, a trampoline warehouse. “It was perfect to have a big group to go with.” 

Anyone is encouraged to join if they meet the requirements, including the larger commuter population within the SF State community. “Of course they can’t go to all the meetings and events, but we try to work with them,” she says.

“It’s a great experience, a lot has come out of it for me,” reflects Molly, who says the good outweighs the conflict. 

If you’re thinking of joining a sorority, or would like to learn more about the subject, visit Her Campus Greek Life or see more information on Greek Life at SFSU

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Jessica Schimm

San Francisco

Jessica is journalism major finishing her senior year at San Francisco State University. She founded and lead San Francisco State’s Her Campus branch as Editor-in-Chief for two semesters and now helps run it as managing editor due to other internships responsibilities.  Her passion for magazine and online journalism has led her current online internships at 7x7 and California Home & Design magazines in San Francisco. She also was the social media editor for her award-winning college paper last semester.When Jessica is not working hard in school she spends her time working on her blog, Women Who Run San Francisco and cheering on the San Francisco Giants (world series champs!!). Having been a competitive Irish dancer for 15 years, she knows that it takes practice, hard work and determination to meet her goals. It is through these qualities that she plans to become editor-in-chief at a leading women’s magazine.