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Halloween as an Adult: Expectations vs. Reality

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Francisco chapter.

Let the countdown begin!

Halloween is one of my ulti-favorite holidays. But as the years pass and uhum, I get older, I’ve realized a few things.

Being an adult during festive seasons can sometimes feel like work. You have to plan, organize.. blah, blah, blah.

And of course, there’s all those false expectations you have to deal with.

1. Expectation: This year, you’re going to plan your costume way in advance and actually follow through with something creative and interesting.

    Reality: Life happens and you get too busy. So you settle on a last minute ensemble that you found on Pinterest and head out!

2. Expectation: You and your friends make plans to do so many Halloween activities, getting you excited for possibly “the best Halloween” you’ve ever had.

    Reality: Plans fall through and you’re stuck on the couch, watching Hocus Pocus for the 145th time, stuffing your face with all of that left-over candy (not the worst scenario).

3. Expectation: You and your group of friends decide to dress up together

    Reality: People lose the Halloween spirit and back out last minute. You gotta ride solo on this one..

4. Expectation: You’re going to attend so many costume parties this year!

    Reality: You don’t

5. Expectation: Who says you’re too old to trick-or-treat? Never. Free candy, duh.

    Reality: Waiting patiently in line behind 3- foot-tall Spider man and Princess peach is starting to make you believe otherwise. Not to mention all of those judgmental stares.

6. Expectation: Time to get artsy fartsy and show off some skills by attempting a DIY inspired costume

    Reality: Your outfit may be little too original. Not everyone gets it and you spend the entire night explaining “Who you are”.

7. Expectation: The caldron filled with fun-sized snickers and skittles is for the kids, control yourself.

    Reality: You’ve eaten 6.. 8.. 12? Oh who are you kidding, it’s Halloween! Indulge yourself.

8. Expectation: Next year will be better.

    Reality: Repeat all of the above


Have a scary Halloween!

My name is Celeste and I’m a Journalism Major at SF State.I like dark chocolate, red wine and the color blue.I have a passion for beautiful words and pictures that tell a story and speak to my soul. Some of my interests include, reading, writing, baking, going to coffee shops, watching movies and discovering new music.