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For all you seniors, read these tips!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Francisco chapter.

     For some of us students, it has sunken in that we are finally seniors! We know by either feeling those “Senioritis” symptoms (like slacking off), or we are stressed out and feeling like chickens with our heads cut off! This one is for all of you who are feeling overwhelmed and feel like you have too much on your plate. The feeling of pressure and stress may directly or indirectly have an effect on other aspects of your life that you may not even be aware of! If there are some of you out there that are already feeling the pressure of being a senior this early in the semester (like me), here are some tips that may help relieve some of that stress:


1.) Learn how to say “No”

Some of us bite off a little more than we can chew and don’t realize this until we overwork ourselves! Others just might be “Yes” people and want to help others. Take a minute and think about, or maybe even create a list of all of the things that you are participating in. Be realistic about what you can and can’t complete and pay attention to deadlines. From the list you can see everything that you are doing, and can prioritize your activities from there. Don’t feel bad if you have to say “No” to some of those things on the lis. Remember, Your mental health is VERY important, and you need that for school.

2.)  Try to eat well

We have all been through that phase in the semester where we load up on coffee and junk food to get us through the night. For those of you already experiencing this, pay attenion to your diet. Your intake can definitely make a significant change in your mood and productivity. Changing ur diet for the better can result in you getting things one with better quality. Some of us have eating habits that we don’t realize are doing more harm to us than good. Also, be aware of unnatural energy boosters, they can do harm to your system over time.Pay attention to your diet, you might notice a difference if you try adding healthier items!

3.) Get emotional support!

Stress has a strong effect on your emotions. Whether it be a friend or a professional, try to find someone you can vent to and possibly give you advice. Getting emotional (which us girls should have no issue doing, Just kidding!) can take a big load off of you and clear your mind. There are students on campus who are on the same boat as you, so if you have friends that are going through the same thing, it can give you a chance to bond more and relieve your stress simultaneously!

4.) Get some shut-eye.

You might not live with your parents anymore, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t give yourself a bedtime! Partying on the weekends or pulling all-nighters on school assignments are part of college nature, but try to avoid doing to much of this! Not only will you be fatigued going to school the next day after staying up all night, but with time it could potentially create serious health risks that may lead to serious illnesses! Your body is your temple, and you should take care of it. Make sure you get enough rest, this will help you be more productive in everything you do, trust me!

5.) Don’t throw in the towel!

Last but not least do NOT give up on your studies! There is a reason you have gotten as far as you have. Giving up may be one of the symptoms of stress, simply because you feel that you are overwhelmed. Keep your goal in mind, and remember that you only have a year left. By pursuing your passion,  time might fly by faster than you may realize.  You may have a lot of things on your plate that you may not like, but focus on the big picture and realize WHY you are doing what you are doing. Don’t give up!

Don’t sweat the small stuff. College can put a heavy load on your back. Keep these tips in mind and you should be well on your way to walk that stage!




My name is Cynthia Obregon De Anda, and I am a student at San Francisco State University. I am majoring in Broadcasting and Electronics Communications, and am aspiring to be a news anchor and music video director. I have a passion for getting to know people and listening their stories, which inpires me to tell my stories!