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Stroll down Quinn Cain’s Lane with this Weeks Campus Cutie!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Diego chapter.

What is your name, grade, and where are you originally from?

My name is Quinn Cain and I’m a sophomore at USD. I am originally from steamboat, Colorado.


Where’s your favorite place on campus?

My favorite place on campus are the benches behind the IPJ.


What’s your favorite movie? TV Show?

Inglorious Bastards is probably my favorite movie but the original Zoolander has always been a favorite. My favorite TV show will forever be The Office. It changed my life and Steve Carell is my idol.


What type of music do you listen too?

I really do enjoy all types of music, but hip hop is one of my favorites.


What’s your favorite food?

Since being in San Diego, I think my favorite food is anything of the burrito sort.


What are you involved with at USD?

I am a founding father of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity and I am a tutor at the one and only, Writing Center.


What is your favorite thing to do outside of school? Why?

Outside of school, I like to be outdoors. I ski, like to hike and I’m also learning to surf. I just like exploring places I haven’t been before with good people.


What do you plan on doing for the future?

In the future I hope to travel a lot, but I also hope to have a career that I am excited about and love doing everyday.


What are you passionate about?

I am passion about sports, English/writing, and my friends and family.

*I am also passionate about lawn games.


What’s your dream job?

My dream job would be a screen writer for a comedy tv show or some sort of sketch writer for a show like SNL. I think that would be a job that I would never want to end.


What’s your dream date?

My dream date would probably be a picnic at sunset with a really amazing view. That way if the date didn’t really go well, there would still be some sort of amazement.


What do you look for in a girl?

I love when girls have a good sense of humor, so we can laugh at the same things.