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Meet This Weeks Karate-Fighting, Animal-Lover: Tandy Johnson!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Diego chapter.

Name: Tandy Johnson

Hometown: Monterey, CA

Year at USD: Sophomore

Major: International Relations with a minor in Environmental Science and a minor in Non-Profit Social Enterprise and Philanthropy

What are you involved in at USD?

I am a writing center tutor, I work at Telefunding, and I am a member and officer of Kappa Alpha Theta.


What are you involved in outside of USD?

I have an internship with an international Christian non-profit organization called Plant With Purpose. The organization works with impoverished communities to uplift them environmentally, economically, and spiritually. I also volunteer at the animal shelter and, when I’m home, teach kickboxing and karate to kids.

What is your favorite thing about living in San Diego?

Definitely the beach.

What is your happy place in SD?

The animal shelter down Linda Vista. I want to work with animals after graduation and I would love to own my own animal shelter one day, because you can really see the difference you make with the animals. Spending just an hour with an animal that has been neglected can transform their whole life—maybe the next person comes in and sees that they are receptive to people and just needs a little love and adopts them; that is the difference I want to make.

What is a fun fact about you?

I am a black belt in Tang Soo Do. My best friend and I have matching tattoos that say “friends” in Korean, because we both got our black belts together and Tang Soo Do is a Korean form of Karate.

What is your favorite quote?

“Have some fire. Be unstoppable. Be a force of nature.” –Christina Yang

How does that quote apply to your life lately?

I think it has always applied to my life. I never do anything if I’m not passionate about it. But, lately with my busy schedule, it helps remind me to push through until the weekend.

What is your dream job?

I would love to work with animals, but more specifically the ethical treatment of animals or animal conservation. Before my mom became a nurse, she basically ran an animal shelter. We used to have a lot of animals around the house, so I think that working with animals has always been something I wanted to do since I was really young.

What is your relationship status?

Living life!

Come visit this campus cutie at the writing center from 9-10 a.m. and 12-1 p.m. Wednesday’s and Friday’s 9-10 a.m. She’s single and ready to tutor.