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Meet Our Smart and Silly Campus Cutie of the Week: Amy Murphy!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Diego chapter.

To start off the year we interviewed the adorable Amy Murphy!! This smart cutie got to travel to Europe and got a job offer after her internship. We were super stoked to catch up with her after her busy summer!

Her Campus (HC): How do you feel about being the first Campus Cutie of the year?

Amy Murphy (AM): I’m flattered! And super excited!!

HC: Where are you originally from?

AM: Del Mar, San Diego

HC: How old are you?

AM: 21

HC: What is your major?

AM: Accounting with a minor in communications

HC: What are you involved in on campus?

AM: Alpha Chi Omega, Accounting Society, and University Ministry

HC: What did you do this summer?

AM: Oh man…it was pretty packed. It started with an accounting abroad program which went to London, Paris, and Rome, which I really liked. I didn’t get to study abroad my junior year and I had never been to Europe before, so I was super happy to experience that! And then after I went to Florida for my training at KPMG (a top 4 accounting firm). I was an Audit Intern in the San Diego office. And after that was over I went to Michigan. It’s actually a family tradition that goes back to almost the beginning of the 1900s!!

HC: What was your favorite part about going to Europe?

AM: I had never even been out of the country so experiencing other cultures and seeing famous sites was really cool! And we got to meet a lot of global accounting and finance firms which was awesome!

HC: How do you feel about starting your senior year?

AM: I’m really excited to be living with my best friend Natasha Skrbin, and it’s my first time living on the beach!! It’s sad and bittersweet because I don’t want to leave everyone.

HC: What are you most excited about with school starting?

AM: Pennant Thursdays and Dollars lol

HC: Do you have any plans for after graduation?

AM: I signed a job offer from KPMG to start next year!!

HC: What is your favorite TV show?

AM: Bachelor and Under the Dome…it’s a CBS show that’s only on in the summer. No one watches it haha. It’s a weird sci-fi show where a Dome falls on this small town and they have to figure out how to live in the Dome. Like Sandy from SpongeBob but not underwater, and it’s the whole town haha.

HC: Who is your celebrity crush?

AM: Ben H!!! He’s so perfect. He is my ideal husband. He has a good head on his shoulders and he’s easy on the eyes too.

HC: If you could would you be a contestant on The Bachelor?

AM: If Ben H. was the bachelor I would totally do it. And if I didn’t have school.

HC: What do you look for in a guy?

AM: A good head on his shoulders and well rounded! Also it’s a plus if he’s funny, but he definitely needs to be an honest gentleman. Basically I’m looking for a real life Ben H.

HC: Are you single? Our readers always ask!

AM: Yes

Good luck with your senior year and congratulations on your job offer!!

Netflix, Pizza, & Alpha Phi. Insta: @ashzmys