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5 Tips for Getting Back into the School Grind, Post Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Diego chapter.

The unfortunate truth that we all are trying to avoid is that, yes, spring break is officially over and school is back in session. Many of us find ourselves with a whole lot of tests, quizzes, and papers due right after break; not to mention finals are only weeks away. But not to worry, here are a few tips that will help you jump back into the swing of things.

1. Organize

Organize, organize, organize. I can’t reiterate this enough. Writing down, and keeping track of, all major and minor priorities or tasks is a must for the end of the semester. It is important for all students to organize your schedule, making sure not to forget anything. Studies show that organization leads to better grades!

2. Check & Double Check all of your Syllabi

I’ve found that little assignments or readings go unnoticed many times because I have neglected my syllabus’. It is really important to review and look through each class syllabi because it truly outlines the requirements and upcoming assignments for the semester. Once you’ve highlighted and gone through each one, make sure to write down each assignment, test, quiz, paper, in a planner so you don’t forget. Grab a highlighter. Some color will make your assignments stand out.

3. Meet with your teachers

We all know and understand that it can be a bit of a hassle to meet with your teachers, especially if their office hours don’t match up with your schedule. However, meeting with teachers is such an important part of the educational process, especially at a school like USD where teachers establish more personal relationships with students due to the smaller class sizes. The majority of teachers love to help out students and really pay attention to those who make the effort…may even help boost a grade that is on the cusp!

4. Meet with your advisor, especially before registration!

Registration is coming up, I repeat registration is coming up! For those of you who have forgotten about the whole registration process, I am here to remind you. This process becomes a lot easier when you speak with your advisor. Advisors serve as our mentors. They are there to assist students, especially when it comes to picking classes. They will help you outline which classes you should take, in addition to alternatives that best suit you and your busy schedule.

5. Get a head start on study guides, paper topics, lab reports, etc.

We all like to procrastinate to some extent, but with finals coming up sooner then we would like, it is in our best interest to get ahead on assignments that may be weeks away, including final exams. If your teacher hasn’t posted a study guide yet, ask them to because teachers are usually helpful when a student is thinking and preparing ahead. 

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Jamie Eddy

San Diego

Hi! My name is Jamie and I am a Junior at the University of San Diego. What makes me happy is being outdoors, spending time with family and friends, trying new and exciting activities, and most of all, traveling. I am a Communication Studies Major with the hope of pursuing a career within the fashion industry. I decided to join the Her Campus team because I want my voice to be heard. I believe there is an unbelievable amount of topics that need to be addressed and people that need to be recognized. I hope you enjoy! email: jamie.eddy@gmail.cominstagram: @jamieddyy