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3 Reasons Why Sophomores Shouldn’t have Required Meal Plans as told by Stitch

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Diego chapter.

The class of 2018 was the first class required to live on campus for their second year at the University of San Diego. While many of our predecessors were given the opportunity to look for a more affordable, off campus living situation, we were not. This is all fine and good – we knew what we were getting into when we accepted our offer of admission to USD.

However, being that we are required to live in apartments with full sized kitchens (including a full-sized refrigerator, oven, stovetop, microwave, and sink) why are we required to purchase a mean plan costing over $1200?

I asked just this question, and was basically told that that is just the way it is. But that does not change my mind. I’m here to tell you why sophomores at USD should not be required to purchase such a large, expensive meal plan!

1. We are required to live on campus in an apartment with a full sized kitchen

This makes absolutely no sense! If I was able to live off campus, I would be paying less to live with a kitchen where I could purchase groceries and cook my own meals for a fraction of what it costs to eat at USD. Sophomores are already paying upwards of $10,000 to live on campus for our second year – forcing us to purchase meal plans when we have access to our own kitchen is just greedy.

2. Once you reach 60 units, you aren’t required to have a meal plan. Why do units determine whether or not we are capable of cooking a meal?

Many USD students came in with credit from AP courses taken in high school. So that means that many of us are going to reach 60 units during our sophomore year. Clearly, the number of classes that we have taken has a serious influence on our ability to cook meals.

3. Most of us purchased items to furnish our kitchens in the hopes of using them.

Coming into sophomore year, most of us were excited at the prospect of having a full sized kitchen. This means that we purchased cooking utensils and prepared ourselves to cook in our kitchens. Why did I buy pots and pans if I am required to eat nearly every meal in the S.L.P.?

Second year meal plans should not be added to our student accounts when we are required to live in a space that provides a full sized kitchen. It would be much more cost effective for USD students to cook their own meals. If I am forced to live somewhere with a kitchen – spending over $10,000 to do so – I will be using my kitchen.

Hi! My name is Sam and I am a senior at UC San Diego! What I love most about San Diego are the beautiful sunsets, the carefree atmosphere, and of course, the beach! I am double majoring in Communication Studies and Political Science with the hope of pursuing a career in marketing! I joined the HerCampus team because I have a passion for writing and I want to share my ideas! Thank you! Email: slpaul@ucsd.edu Instagram: @sammipaul