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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Salisbury chapter.

Sometimes we have our bad days and our mood or hygiene may be slightly off.


But that’s perfectly normal for everyone  Here are the top 5 things everyone should always have in order to get through the rough days. 

1. Mints – If not mints some sort of equivalent, such as gum or a breath spray. Having this will allow for my confidence in every day social interactions 

2. Deodorant – You never know when you might have to freshen up your deodorant because you have gotten a little sweaty throughout the day.

3. Notebook – I personally am a huge list maker. I make lists of everything and have to jot down notes constantly. It helps to keep my life a little bit more organized (I think this goes with out saying you should also carry a pen or pencil to write with). You can even write down random thoughts or just to vent on pen and paper. 

4 . Lotion/chapstick – Dry skin can be embarrassing, being able to address it can make you come across more professional and put together.  It can also be a tad bit uncomfortable. 

5. Charger/headphones – The perfrect combo of all! I never leave my house without my charger in my backpack. Phones can be a life line and they can also be fun. The headphones are for when you want to avoid someone or just want to jam out to your favorite music.

Hi, My name is Miles and I am a college student at Salisbury University.
Stephanie Chisley is an outgoing go-getter. Originally, Stephanie is from Oxon Hill, MD. She is currently a student at Salisbury University where she is studying Communication Arts with a track in journalism and public relations and a minor in Theater. While attending Salisbury University, Stephanie currently holds an executive board position as the secretary for Salisbury's Society of Professional Journalists . Stephanie plans on becoming an anchor for E! News or a writer, radio host, and announcer for BuzzFeed. In her free time, Stephanie is always on her phone scanning through social media, communicating with her friends, and finding new places to eat near her area.