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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Salisbury chapter.

As we have access to more people through our increasingly digital world, the possibility of different sexual partners is boundless. The possibilities of finding someone to sleep with, or spend your life with, are so vast. Also a product of our increasingly open minded society our view on sexuality and sex are becoming more open minded.

Thus many people are trying out new things and new lifestyles. 

Recently being given the spotlight is this idea and practice of ethical non monogamy. While each individual, or couple can define how they practice their version of ethical non monogamy differently some ways people are practicing are casual hookups, three ways, group marriages (example sister wives), open relationships, swinging.

Casual Hookups: Relationships in which the parties involved define the relationship. These relationships in most cases the involved parties expect to keep their respective emotions at bay and focus more on the sex they can be receiving and the pleasure they can receive from that.

Threesomes/ Three ways: Just what they sound like, three people get together and have sex! These can be three people of either gender getting together.

Group Marriages: Marriages in which the parties involved can be married to more than one person. For example one person can have multiple husbands or wives. 

Open Relationships: When the people involved are allowed to sleep with whomever they like but they come back to their main partner and their main partner is the focus. The relationship is defined by the parties involved so in one person’s relationship the partners may come back and talk about the experiences while in others the partner’s do not discuss the experiences.

Swinging: Relationships in which the partners swing or switch partners with another couple. The couples in most cases pick out another couple that they find desirable and switch partners.

Each relationship is different, and each person’s experience with polygamy is different. Many people prefer closed relationships

Hi, My name is Miles and I am a college student at Salisbury University.
Stephanie Chisley is an outgoing go-getter. Originally, Stephanie is from Oxon Hill, MD. She is currently a student at Salisbury University where she is studying Communication Arts with a track in journalism and public relations and a minor in Theater. While attending Salisbury University, Stephanie currently holds an executive board position as the secretary for Salisbury's Society of Professional Journalists . Stephanie plans on becoming an anchor for E! News or a writer, radio host, and announcer for BuzzFeed. In her free time, Stephanie is always on her phone scanning through social media, communicating with her friends, and finding new places to eat near her area.