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You’re Gonna Miss Me When You’re Gone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

As the semester draws to a close, we’re all anxious to get out of South Bend. We want to turn in those final papers, ace those last exams, never think about a senior comp again, and spend some much needed R&R wherever it is we call home. In the chaos that is the end of the semester, I think we’ve forgotten to appreciate all the small things we’re gonna miss about SMC in the month that we’re away…

Like reading about how we can identify phishing scams sent to our computers every time we go to the bathroom.

Or trying to open the right side door of Madeleva every time we go to the building only to be reminded that for some reason only the left door is unlocked.

Or being woken up to the roaring sounds of grass mowers and leaf blowers and construction on the science hall…every day.

Or eating grilled chicken with every single meal @ the NFDH.

Or losing your breath walking up to the 4th floor of LeMans every time the elevator breaks down.

Soak it all in this week, Belles. You’re gonna miss it when you’re gone…maybe.

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Claire Condon

Saint Mary's

I think in Instagram captions.
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Therese Burke

Saint Mary's