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Why You Actually Really Should 100% Come to Saint Mary’s

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

We’re closing in on the end of spring semester. (How?) Which means our calendars are filled with ‘Exam 3s,’ papers, darties, South Bend Cubs games, and of course the request from your roommate- “My sister/family friend/neighbor/cousin/girl from high school/ etc is coming to visit SMC. You have to help me convince her to come here!”

Easy. Kind of. In the spur of the moment when there’s a crowded tour going through your hall, all you can think to say is “Saint Mary’s is amazing you have to come here!!” without much explaining. Because you don’t need it proven to you. You get it. It’s home. You love it. Couldn’t see yourself anywhere else. Great! Me too. But we’re not nervous high school seniors who have this huge decision right in front of them. We don’t have pros/cons list of living an hour from home vs. 1000 miles from home. Or college counselors telling us one thing while our parents tell us another. We’ve already made the decision to go to Saint Mary’s, arguably one of the best decisions we’ve ever made.

So this one’s for you, high school senior who has a month left to decide. Or high school senior who is unwillingly coming here to fill some family quota. Or high school senior who made the decision but still needs reassurance. Or the high school senior who is so excited to start at Saint Mary’s that she already regularly reads HCSMC articles and likes all of our instas. (You rock!) No matter where you stand, this one is for you.

Applying to Saint Mary’s carries its own bag of inquires and concerns. But it’s so small. All girls? Never! What’s there to do for fun in South Bend? What’s the whole Notre Dame connection?

Let’s straighten a few things out, my friends. Yes it’s small. And that is one of my favorite things about it. It doesn’t take long to make friends. Real friends. Teachers know your name, and actually call you by it, by the end of the first week. You can walk anywhere on campus in under ten minutes. (Life saver for those just as addicted to the snooze button as I am!) Your professors want to watch you succeed. The women at the dining hall will greet you with the friendliest smiles. You’ll get to meet all the girls on your floor- where lots of first year friendships flourish.

No, there are no boys here. But in my experiences, ya don’t really miss ‘em. They’re right across the street if ya want to go see ‘em, or they’re all the way across the street if you need to avoid them. Best of both worlds. You’ll make guy friends. You’re not isolated. I promise you will survive. And also, ask anyone, you’ll become A LOT more vocal in your classes…just wait and see!

I’m well aware South Bend is neither a thriving metropolis nor a state school kind of college town, but you’ll find your niche and you’ll love it. It might take some time adjusting to the charm of South Bend, but three years later I’m telling you- I love it and you will too! If you want shopping, restaurants, bowling, bars – it’s all here. And some day I know you will love CJ’s popcorn until you move on to the Finni’s stage and then have no better feeling than belting out Walking On Broken Glass with all your friends.

Notre Dame- yes it’s physically right across the street. Like you can go on a walk to the grotto in between classes. You can be as involved with Notre Dame as you’d like- you can take classes, join clubs, and get student tickets for sporting events! But if you’d rather stay on campus at SMC that is totally fine too. The Saint Mary’s connection gives you the best of both worlds. I know I’ve already used that phrase but it’s true. You can have small classes, join clubs, and make your group of girlfriends, then head on over to ND for division 1 sports, parties, and that ‘big school’ feel.

And in case you haven’t heard it enough. It’s all about the people. Saint Mary’s is home to the funniest, most thoughtful, outgoing, smart (and the list goes on and on) girls I have had the pleasure of calling friends.

Oh and the ring. And the dorms. And pictures of rings in front of dorms.

Please come here. You’ll love it. I promise.

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Claire Condon

Saint Mary's

I think in Instagram captions.
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Therese Burke

Saint Mary's