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Why Saint Mary’s College Is The Place For Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

Saint Mary’s was my very first college visit. I was a junior in high school and I won’t lie, I wasn’t that impressed. For some reason, I thought college was supposed to be this grand land filled with everything you could LITERALLY ever want. So when I came across the fact that Saint Mary’s had no pool, limited air conditioning, no Taco Bell on campus and not to mention, no BOYS, I thought, “Surely it’s gets better than this”. Surely, I was wrong. I eventually took another visit as a senior and really thought I could be happy here. It was out of my comfort zone, but something about the atmosphere had me hooked.

So, here I am! I am a first-year Belle and I could not be happier! I honestly fell in love with this campus after only a few days as a student. I had heart eyes for Le Mans, the pond, The Avenue, and Loretto just after orientation week. Plus, not many college students can roll out of bed 5 minutes before class and still make it there on time. I quickly got over all the little things I complained about before. Let’s be real, I did not need a Taco Bell on campus and really, how often was I going to go swim laps (never)? Also, I love going to an all-girls school! Not having anyone to impress as I’m wearing yesterday’s mascara and a hoodie down to my knees when I go for meals makes my life so much easier! I saw so many posts from my girl friends at other schools about “#bidday” and “Pledge Delta Gamma!!!”, which okay, I may have been a little bitter about, but guess what? My entire school is one big sorority! Everyone is so passionate about being a Belle. I just think we’re the cutest! Seriously, I love the community here at Saint Mary’s. It made coming to a new place and finding where I fit so much easier. Everyone is always willing to reach out a helping hand, including the professors. The professors here are truly concerned with helping us reach success. Every professor I’ve had this year has made me feel like they genuinely want the best for me, which is a really refreshing feeling.

All in all, I was so wrong for all the judgments I initially made about Saint Mary’s. This place is where it’s at. I cannot imagine myself happier at any other school. I’m so blessed to have the opportunity to be apart of this school community!

Carly O'Loughlin

Saint Mary's '21

Dayton, Ohio native (Go Flyers!) and a double major in Secondary Education and English Lit!
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Allie Royce

Saint Mary's '18

Hope you find my work relatable and humorous.