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Unique Couple Costumes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

My boyfriend and I broke up in May (lol), but you best believe I already had our Halloween costumes for the next 5 years already planned. Since we’re not together to use them anymore, I decided these great ideas can’t go to waste, and I simply had to share these fabulous couple Halloween costumes in a HC article!

Pebbles and Bam Bam

TBH, I’m probably going to go as Pebbles without Bam Bam this year, because it’s just SO cute.

Dalmatian and Firefighter

If someone spills their Natty Light on a power strip, your man will be ready to put the fire out!

Barbie and Ken

Warning: Only whipped boys will agree to this (but as Saint Mary’s women, we probably all have our guys wrapped around our fingers)

Steve and Blue

And if your BFF is third wheeling, she can go as Magenta!

Squints and the Lifeguard

From The Sandlot! The bathing suit you brought to school will finally be put to good use!

Colleen Zewe

Saint Mary's '18

I love fall, holidays, PSLs and forcing my dog to take pictures with me for Snapchat.