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Things To Do Over Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

Over the next couple weeks, when I am drowning in projects and papers and tests, the only thing that is going to keep me going is that Christmas break is right around the corner.  If you’re anything like me, you love break, but you also get so bored. Break might be the time to take up a new hobby or switch things up a little.  Here’s a list of things to do over break instead of being bored.  


1. Read a book.

I just received a book from a friend and it’s taken everything in me to not read it until Christmas break.  It’s called F*cked: Being Sexually Explorative and Confident in a World That’s Screwed  and it’s by these two amazing comedians from New York that host my favorite podcast called Guys We Fucked: The Anti-Slut Shaming Podcast.  They talk about almost anything and everything from being stalked, awkward sexual encounters, and what it’s like to be an islamic extremist  and will make you laugh while they do it. You can check the book out here and the podcast on either SoundCloud, Spotify, or iTunes.


2. Switch up your workout (or start going to the gym)

Two words: Holiday Food. I know I’m going to want to move over break so I can keep up my #gains from this semester.  Shop around your area for a gym that will let you join for a month while you’re on break.  If you don’t want to join a gym, but still get a good workout, try the Bikini Body Guide. You can get an 8 week full-body workout plan that will give you some great results!


3. Try knitting

I few years ago I taught myself how to knit from Youtube and I’ve been addicted.  I never have time to knit because of school, but over break, I find myself knitting like crazy.  Here are a few videos to check out if you want to learn.  Go grab some needles (8 or bigger is the easiest to learn on) and get to it!! 





4. Netflix

This one is a no brainer.  I’m always looking for new shows to watch on Netflix.  I’m not on the Stranger Things train yet, so maybe I’ll have to watch that over break. Here are some suggestions for you though:

  1. Shamless

  2. Parks and Recreation

  3. The Crown

  4. Big Mouth

  5. Mad Men

  6. Making a Murderer

  7. Atypical

  8. New Girl

  9. Love

  10. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt


So when you’re home on Christmas break and bored out of your mind, try something new and maybe it will become your new hobby!


Caroline Blue

Saint Mary's

Colleen Zewe

Saint Mary's '18

I love fall, holidays, PSLs and forcing my dog to take pictures with me for Snapchat.