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Tango Trio Lights Up Regina

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.


The Moreau Center for Performing Arts hosted one of Buenos Aires’ sassiest exports: the musicians and dancers of Tami Tango Trio.

Since 2002, the trio has been touring the United States, and this fall is their thirteenth year. This performance is their second time to perform at Saint Mary’s College.

On October 13th and 14th, the Tami Trio performed their traditional Argentine tango and folk music. The group offered three events to students and the public:  a tango lesson and two formal concerts.

Prof. Marc Belanger, Saint Mary’s professor of International Development said, “The soundtrack of Argentinean music kept the mood energetic and lively.”

Saint Mary’s junior, Elizabeth Quaye said, “Every musical note is beautiful and the Tami Trio is the perfect combination of dance and music.”

The group director and flutist, Eduardo Tami, is a native of Buenos Aires, who impressively recorded the Argentinean National Anthem.

Tami began his flutist career in 1987 and has also made the rounds among the most famous tango houses in Argentina.

The Tami Tango Trio features a dancing couple, alongside lead musician, Eduardo Tami.

The band includes: pianist Leandro Marciano, guitarist Emilano Ferrer, dancers Claudia Marciano and Facundo Barrionuevo.

Tami Tango features a variety of reinterpretations of popular dances like, the waltz, the tango, and milonga.

Portions of the performance focused on the “Milonga,” a 19th century country-dance that began in Buenos Aires. More modern variations of the tango are featured in the latter portions of the show. The male performers were dressed in straight black suits and the solo female performer wore a sassy black dress.

“Traditional moves are accented by a theatrical flair” says Bunny Roehm, a senior music major. “I came to this event because I love the Latin American culture.”

Madeline Zuniga, junior at Saint Mary’s College said, “I came out to the Tami Tango concert because of my music forum class, as well as for my general love for all types of music.”

“I just want to share music of my people,” Eduardo Tami, the flutist and director of the Tami Tango Trio, “Playing music is great, but all music needs a listener.”

Tami Tango Trio appeared at the Performing Arts Center courtesy of the Saint Mary’s Music Department.


Photo provided by the author

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Chelsey Fattal

Saint Mary's

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Hannah Drinkall

Saint Mary's

Hannah graduated Saint Mary's College (May 2016) with a major in Communication Studies & a minor in Public Relations & Advertising. She was the Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Saint Mary's, which she co-founded in December 2013. She's from Florida, and she is now working in New York City with New York Times best selling author, Adriana Trigiani. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter, @hannahdrinkall!