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Rewatching the Jersey Shore

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

Its Friday night and I have no plans (lol). I was browsing through Hulu (I just got that sweet Spotify and Hulu deal), and I discovered they have the OG Jersey Shore. In honor the upcoming reboot on MTV, I decided to have a #FlashbackFriday and watch the one show my parents tried to stop me from watching. Of course, they failed, because who DIDN’T watch the Jersey Shore? Here are my reactions rewatching the first episode.

Pauly D

As any JS fan knows, Pauly D eventually becomes the comedic relief we all love. During his introduction scene, he definitlely shows that potential, picking up like 30 bottles of hair gel at once and dropping them in a suitcase. Lol, Pauly!


I think about Vinny a lot. He has a college degree, he was only 21 when this show started (thats pretty young), and sometimes I feel like this show ruined his life? In his intro, he talks about how he likes to go out, but isn’t a huge partier and loves spending time with his family. Creep on his social media now, and you can tell this show totally corrupted him and stole his innocence. 

Sammi Doesn’t Want Puke Breath On Her

Lol, Sammi is such a witch with a b. When Snooki (at this point in the show everyone thinks her name is Snickers) gets sick, she’s like, ew, don’t go near me, I don’t your puke breath on me. How even do you get puke breath on someone? Anyways, Snooki is like, don’t worry, I brushed my teeth, and Sammi is like, yeah, sure you did… Okay, rude much? The poor girl is sick and miserable!

Ronnie Doesn’t Want to Fall in Love

Ronnie’s number one rule at the Jersey Shore is not to fall in love. Oh, the irony.

Hot Tub Fun

The guys take some girls into the hot tub, and the girls in the house can’t deal. The girls say the girls seem horrible because they are wearing their bras, as if the girls also have never worn just their bras. “We’re classier,” Angelina says as she takes a shot and readjusts her boobs. The girls say they also didn’t expect the guys to be so into girls like that. I wonder what they expected the guys living at the Shore house to be like? Priests in training? “Don’t bring dirty girls back to this house,” they warn the guys. And that was the last time a strange girl ever stepped foot into the shore house!


The Fight

One of the visiting hot tub girls slams her door on the way out after Angelina harasses them so much they leave. Angelina can’t handle the door slam and chases them out and begins to scream. “You aren’t classy!” she yells in the middle of the public street. Snooki, who is in her bedroom and not involved in the drama, overhears and thinks Angelina is talking about her and calling HER unclassy. She’s both sad and angry. She decides to leave the shore house (we all know this isn’t true, as she is now legendary). Meanwhile, Ronnie says he feels uncomfortable that Angelina was watching them in the hot tub so much (“she’s a stalker”) and Mike says he and Sam are soulmates because they held hands.

Tune in next week to see if Mike and Sam get married! Spoiler: they don’t.

Colleen Zewe

Saint Mary's '18

I love fall, holidays, PSLs and forcing my dog to take pictures with me for Snapchat.